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Topic - Presence Events


This topic can be used to monitor the presence of a specified user's friends (and oneself, to an extent).

Example availabilities include:

  • busy
  • idle
  • offline
  • online

Example activities include:

  • none
  • watching
  • broadcasting

With all undocumented topics, use at your own risk.


Twitch removed the friendship (and, by extension, presence) system in May 2022. As such, this topic is no longer usable.

Method Definition

credentialOAuth2CredentialUser Auth Token for the target user id, with the scope user_presence_friends_read and/or user_presence_edit
userIdStringTarget User Id


Example: General use

Subscribe to presence events for user twitch4j and register a listener that prints all messages to console

twitchClient.getPubSub().listenForPresenceEvents(credential, "149223493");

// Listen for presence updates
twitchClient.getEventManager().onEvent(UserPresenceEvent.class, System.out::println);

// Listen for updates to the user's presence settings
twitchClient.getEventManager().onEvent(PresenceSettingsEvent.class, System.out::println);

Example: Live status monitoring

Note: a single account can befriend 500 users on Twitch (which is necessary for such presence events to occur), at the time of writing.

Note: these events tend to be fired significantly faster than the documented analogs in the Helix API.


Disclaimer: Do not solely rely upon this code; fallback mechanisms should be employed as well.

twitchClient.getEventManager().onEvent(UserPresenceEvent.class, e -> {
boolean wentLive = e.getData().getActivities().stream().anyMatch(a -> a.getType().equalsIgnoreCase("broadcasting"));
if (wentLive) {
System.out.println(e); // Handle Go Live