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Topic - Channel Points Events


This topic can be used to monitor a channel's community points events. The only officially documented subtype of this event is for a custom reward being redeemed, but this library also includes other subtypes.

Method Definition

Required Parameters

credentialOAuth2CredentialUser Auth Token for the target channel id, with the scope channel:read:redemptions
channelIdStringTarget Channel Id

Optional Parameters



Subscribe to the topic for a given channel

twitchClient.getPubSub().listenForChannelPointsRedemptionEvents(credential, "149223493");

Listen for Custom Reward Redemptions

Fired when a custom reward is redeemed in the channel.

twitchClient.getEventManager().onEvent(RewardRedeemedEvent.class, System.out::println);

Listen for Redemption Status Updates

Not documented by Twitch.

Fired when the status of a redemption changes (e.g. completed or rejected).

Note that, at the time of writing, the status is ACTION_TAKEN whether the reward was completed or rejected, rather than FULFILLED or UNFULFILLED.

twitchClient.getEventManager().onEvent(RedemptionStatusUpdateEvent.class, System.out::println);

Listen for Reward Creations

Not documented by Twitch.

Fired when a custom reward is created.

twitchClient.getEventManager().onEvent(CustomRewardCreatedEvent.class, System.out::println);

Listen for Reward Updates

Not documented by Twitch.

Fired when a custom reward is updated.

twitchClient.getEventManager().onEvent(CustomRewardUpdatedEvent.class, System.out::println);

Listen for Reward Deletions

Not documented by Twitch.

Fired when custom reward is deleted.

twitchClient.getEventManager().onEvent(CustomRewardDeletedEvent.class, System.out::println);

Listen for Update Redemption Status Progress

Not documented by Twitch.

Fired when there is an update to the redemption progress.

twitchClient.getEventManager().onEvent(UpdateRedemptionProgressEvent.class, System.out::println);

Listen for Update Redemption Status Completion

Not documented by Twitch.

Fired when the redemption progress has completed.

twitchClient.getEventManager().onEvent(UpdateRedemptionFinishedEvent.class, System.out::println);