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Topic - Following Events


This topic can be used to monitor whenever a specified channel receives followers.

In terms of documented replacements, the User Follows Webhook provides another real-time system to receive these events. If a webhook server cannot be used, one can also query API Helix > Users Followers at a regular interval to determine new followers. In fact, Twitch4J > Client Helper can do this for you.

With all undocumented topics, use at your own risk.


Twitch silently disabled this topic in November 2023, after deprecating the legacy follows API in September 2023. Please migrate to EventSub or TwitchClientHelper, both of which require moderator (or broadcaster) authorization.

Method Definition

credentialOAuth2CredentialAuth Token (may not necessarily be required)
channelIdStringTarget Channel Id


Subscribe to new follower events for user twitch4j and register a listener that prints all messages to console

twitchClient.getPubSub().listenForFollowingEvents(credential, "149223493");

twitchClient.getEventManager().onEvent(FollowingEvent.class, System.out::println);