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Subscriptions - Get All


Get all of a broadcaster’s subscriptions.

Required OAuth Scope: channel:read:subscriptions

Method Definition

@RequestLine("GET /subscriptions?broadcaster_id={broadcaster_id}&after={after}&before={before}&first={first}")
@Headers("Authorization: Bearer {token}")
HystrixCommand<SubscriptionList> getSubscriptions(
@Param("token") String authToken,
@Param("broadcaster_id") String broadcasterId,
@Param("after") String after,
@Param("before") String before,
@Param("first") Integer limit

Required Parameters

tokenstringUser Access Token.
broadcaster_idstringID of the broadcaster. Must match the User ID in the Bearer token.

Optional Parameters

afterstringCursor for forward pagination: tells the server where to start fetching the next set of results, in a multi-page response. The cursor value specified here is from the pagination response field of a prior query.
beforestringCursor for backward pagination: tells the server where to start fetching the next set of results, in a multi-page response. The cursor value specified here is from the pagination response field of a prior query.
limitintegerMaximum number of objects to return. Maximum: 100. Default: 20.


SubscriptionList resultList = client.getHelix().getSubscriptions(ACCESS_TOKEN, CHANNEL_ID, null, null,null).execute();
resultList.getSubscriptions().forEach(subscription -> {
System.out.println("Subscriber: "+subscription.getUserName());