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StreamTags - Replace Stream Tags


Applies specified tags to a specified stream, overwriting any existing tags applied to that stream. If no tags are specified, all tags previously applied to the stream are removed. Automated tags are not affected by this operation.

Tags expire 72 hours after they are applied, unless the stream is live within that time period. If the stream is live within the 72-hour window, the 72-hour clock restarts when the stream goes offline. The expiration period is subject to change.


Twitch decommissioned this endpoint on 2023-07-13 in favor of the free-form tags system.

Method Definition

@RequestLine("PUT /streams/tags?broadcaster_id={broadcaster_id}")
"Authorization: Bearer {token}",
"Content-Type: application/json"
@Body("%7B\"tag_ids\": [{tag_ids}]%7D")
HystrixCommand<Object> replaceStreamTags(
@Param("token") String authToken,
@Param("broadcaster_id") String broadcasterId,
@Param(value = "tag_ids", expander = ObjectToJsonExpander.class ) List<UUID> tagIds

Required Parameters

authTokenstringUser Auth Token
broadcaster_idstringID of the channel thats tags are going to be replaced.
tag_idsstringIDs of tags to be applied to the stream. Maximum of 100 supported.

Optional Parameters
