Class ChannelInformation


public class ChannelInformation extends Object
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • builder

    • toBuilder

    • getBroadcasterId

      public String getBroadcasterId()
      Twitch User ID of this channel owner
    • getBroadcasterLogin

      public String getBroadcasterLogin()
      Twitch User Login Name of this channel owner
    • getBroadcasterName

      public String getBroadcasterName()
      Twitch User Display Name of this channel owner
    • getBroadcasterLanguage

      public String getBroadcasterLanguage()
      Language of the channel

      A language value is either the ISO 639-1 two-letter code for a supported stream language or “other”

    • getGameId

      public String getGameId()
      Current game ID being played on the channel
    • getGameName

      public String getGameName()
      Current game name being played on the channel
    • getTitle

      public String getTitle()
      Title of the stream
    • getDelay

      @Nullable public @Nullable Integer getDelay()
      Stream delay in seconds.

      Stream delay is a Twitch Partner feature; trying to set this value for other account types will return a 400 error.

      Note: this can only be returned if using the broadcaster's user access toke

    • getTags

      public List<String> getTags()
      A list of channel-defined tags to apply to the channel.

      A channel may specify a maximum of 10 tags. Each tag is limited to a maximum of 25 characters and may not be an empty string or contain spaces or special characters. Tags are case-insensitive. For readability, consider using camelCasing or PascalCasing.

      For TwitchHelix.updateChannelInformation(String, String, ChannelInformation), setting this to an empty list should result in all tags being removed from the channel.

    • getContentClassificationLabels

      public Collection<ContentClassificationState> getContentClassificationLabels()
      The CCLs applied to the channel.
    • isBrandedContent

      public Boolean isBrandedContent()
      Whether the channel has branded content.
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object o)
      equals in class Object
    • canEqual

      protected boolean canEqual(Object other)
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • withBroadcasterId

      public ChannelInformation withBroadcasterId(String broadcasterId)
      Twitch User ID of this channel owner
      a clone of this object, except with this updated property (returns this if an identical value is passed).
    • withBroadcasterLogin

      public ChannelInformation withBroadcasterLogin(String broadcasterLogin)
      Twitch User Login Name of this channel owner
      a clone of this object, except with this updated property (returns this if an identical value is passed).
    • withBroadcasterName

      public ChannelInformation withBroadcasterName(String broadcasterName)
      Twitch User Display Name of this channel owner
      a clone of this object, except with this updated property (returns this if an identical value is passed).
    • withBroadcasterLanguage

      public ChannelInformation withBroadcasterLanguage(String broadcasterLanguage)
      Language of the channel

      A language value is either the ISO 639-1 two-letter code for a supported stream language or “other”

      a clone of this object, except with this updated property (returns this if an identical value is passed).
    • withGameId

      public ChannelInformation withGameId(String gameId)
      Current game ID being played on the channel
      a clone of this object, except with this updated property (returns this if an identical value is passed).
    • withGameName

      public ChannelInformation withGameName(String gameName)
      Current game name being played on the channel
      a clone of this object, except with this updated property (returns this if an identical value is passed).
    • withTitle

      public ChannelInformation withTitle(String title)
      Title of the stream
      a clone of this object, except with this updated property (returns this if an identical value is passed).
    • withDelay

      public ChannelInformation withDelay(@Nullable @Nullable Integer delay)
      Stream delay in seconds.

      Stream delay is a Twitch Partner feature; trying to set this value for other account types will return a 400 error.

      Note: this can only be returned if using the broadcaster's user access toke

      a clone of this object, except with this updated property (returns this if an identical value is passed).
    • withTags

      public ChannelInformation withTags(List<String> tags)
      A list of channel-defined tags to apply to the channel.

      A channel may specify a maximum of 10 tags. Each tag is limited to a maximum of 25 characters and may not be an empty string or contain spaces or special characters. Tags are case-insensitive. For readability, consider using camelCasing or PascalCasing.

      For TwitchHelix.updateChannelInformation(String, String, ChannelInformation), setting this to an empty list should result in all tags being removed from the channel.

      a clone of this object, except with this updated property (returns this if an identical value is passed).
    • withContentClassificationLabels

      public ChannelInformation withContentClassificationLabels(Collection<ContentClassificationState> contentClassificationLabels)
      The CCLs applied to the channel.
      a clone of this object, except with this updated property (returns this if an identical value is passed).
    • withIsBrandedContent

      public ChannelInformation withIsBrandedContent(Boolean isBrandedContent)
      Whether the channel has branded content.