Interface TwitchHelix

public interface TwitchHelix
Twitch - Helix API
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • getExtensionAnalyticUrl<ExtensionAnalyticsList> getExtensionAnalyticUrl(String authToken, String after, Integer limit, String extensionId, String type, String startedAt, String endedAt)
      Gets a URL that extension developers can use to download analytics reports (CSV files) for their extensions. The URL is valid for 5 minutes.

      For detail about analytics and the fields returned, see the Insights and Analytics guide.

      authToken - Auth Token
      after - Cursor for forward pagination: tells the server where to start fetching the next set of results, in a multi-page response.
      limit - Maximum number of objects to return. Maximum: 100. Default: 20.
      extensionId - Client ID value assigned to the extension when it is created. If this is specified, the returned URL points to an analytics report for just the specified extension.
      type - Type of analytics report that is returned. If this is specified, the response includes one URL, for the specified report type. If this is not specified, the response includes multiple URLs (paginated), one for each report type available for the authenticated user’s Extensions. Limit: 1. Valid values: "overview_v1", "overview_v2".
      startedAt - Starting date/time for returned reports, in RFC3339 format with the hours, minutes, and seconds zeroed out and the UTC timezone: YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00Z.
      endedAt - Ending date/time for returned reports, in RFC3339 format with the hours, minutes, and seconds zeroed out and the UTC timezone: YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00Z.
    • getGameAnalyticUrl<GameAnalyticsList> getGameAnalyticUrl(String authToken, String after, Integer limit, String gameId, String type, String startedAt, String endedAt)
      Gets a URL that game developers can use to download analytics reports (CSV files) for their games. The URL is valid for 5 minutes.

      For detail about analytics and the fields returned, see the Insights and Analytics guide.

      authToken - Auth Token
      after - Cursor for forward pagination: tells the server where to start fetching the next set of results, in a multi-page response.
      limit - Maximum number of objects to return. Maximum: 100. Default: 20.
      gameId - Game ID. If this is specified, the returned URL points to an analytics report for just the specified game.
      type - Type of analytics report that is returned. If this is specified, the response includes one URL, for the specified report type. If this is not specified, the response includes multiple URLs (paginated), one for each report type available for the authenticated user’s Extensions. Limit: 1. Valid values: "overview_v1", "overview_v2".
      startedAt - Starting date/time for returned reports, in RFC3339 format with the hours, minutes, and seconds zeroed out and the UTC timezone: YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00Z.
      endedAt - Ending date/time for returned reports, in RFC3339 format with the hours, minutes, and seconds zeroed out and the UTC timezone: YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00Z.
    • getCheermotes<CheermoteList> getCheermotes(String authToken, String broadcasterId)
      Retrieves the list of available Cheermotes, animated emotes to which viewers can assign Bits, to cheer in chat
      authToken - Auth Token
      broadcasterId - ID for the broadcaster who might own specialized Cheermotes (optional)
    • getExtensionBitsProducts<ExtensionBitsProductList> getExtensionBitsProducts(String authToken, Boolean includeAll)
      Gets a list of Bits products that belongs to an Extension.
      authToken - App Access Token associated with the Extension client ID
      includeAll - Optional: Whether Bits products that are disabled/expired should be included in the response. Default: false
    • updateExtensionBitsProduct<ExtensionBitsProductList> updateExtensionBitsProduct(String authToken, ExtensionBitsProduct product)
      Add or update a Bits products that belongs to an Extension.

      Required body fields: sku, cost.amount, cost.type, display_name. Optional fields: in_development, expiration, is_broadcast.

      authToken - App Access Token associated with the Extension client ID
      product - The extension bits product to add or update
    • getBitsLeaderboard<BitsLeaderboard> getBitsLeaderboard(String authToken, Integer count, String period, String startedAt, String userId)
      Gets a ranked list of Bits leaderboard information for an authorized broadcaster.
      authToken - Auth Token
      count - Number of results to be returned. Maximum: 100. Default: 10.
      period - Time period over which data is aggregated (PST time zone). This parameter interacts with started_at. Valid values are given below. Default: "all".
      startedAt - Timestamp for the period over which the returned data is aggregated. Must be in RFC 3339 format. If this is not provided, data is aggregated over the current period; e.g., the current day/week/month/year. This value is ignored if period is "all".
      userId - ID of the user whose results are returned; i.e., the person who paid for the Bits.
    • getBitsLeaderboard

      @Deprecated default<BitsLeaderboard> getBitsLeaderboard(String authToken, String count, String period, String startedAt, String userId)
      utilize getBitsLeaderboard where count is an Integer
      Gets a ranked list of Bits leaderboard information for an authorized broadcaster.
      authToken - Auth Token
      count - Number of results to be returned. Maximum: 100. Default: 10.
      period - Time period over which data is aggregated (PST time zone). This parameter interacts with started_at. Valid values are given below. Default: "all".
      startedAt - Timestamp for the period over which the returned data is aggregated. Must be in RFC 3339 format. If this is not provided, data is aggregated over the current period; e.g., the current day/week/month/year. This value is ignored if period is "all".
      userId - ID of the user whose results are returned; i.e., the person who paid for the Bits.
    • createCustomReward<CustomRewardList> createCustomReward(String authToken, String broadcasterId, CustomReward newReward)
      Creates a Custom Reward on a channel.

      Query parameter broadcaster_id must match the user_id in the User-Access token.

      authToken - User access token for the broadcaster (scope: channel:manage:redemptions).
      broadcasterId - The id of the target channel, which must match the token user id.
      newReward - The Custom Reward to be created.
    • deleteCustomReward<Void> deleteCustomReward(String authToken, String broadcasterId, String rewardId)
      Deletes a Custom Reward on a channel.

      Only rewards created programmatically by the same client_id can be deleted. Any UNFULFILLED Custom Reward Redemptions of the deleted Custom Reward will be updated to the FULFILLED status.

      authToken - User access token for the broadcaster (scope: channel:manage:redemptions).
      broadcasterId - The id of the target channel, which must match the token user id.
      rewardId - ID of the Custom Reward to delete, must match a Custom Reward on broadcaster_id’s channel.
      204 No Content upon a successful deletion
    • getCustomRewards<CustomRewardList> getCustomRewards(String authToken, String broadcasterId, Collection<String> rewardIds, Boolean onlyManageableRewards)
      Returns a list of Custom Reward objects for the Custom Rewards on a channel.

      Developers only have access to update and delete rewards that were created programmatically by the same/calling client_id.

      There is a limit of 50 Custom Rewards on a channel at a time. This includes both enabled and disabled Custom Rewards.

      authToken - User access token for the broadcaster (scope: channel:manage:redemptions).
      broadcasterId - Required: The id of the target channel, which must match the token user id.
      rewardIds - Optional: Filters the results to only returns reward objects for the Custom Rewards with matching ID. Maximum: 50.
      onlyManageableRewards - Optional: When set to true, only returns custom rewards that the calling client_id can manage. Default: false.
    • getCustomRewardRedemption<CustomRewardRedemptionList> getCustomRewardRedemption(String authToken, String broadcasterId, String rewardId, Collection<String> redemptionIds, RedemptionStatus status, String sort, String after, Integer limit)
      Returns Custom Reward Redemption objects for a Custom Reward on a channel that was created by the same client_id.

      Developers only have access to get and update redemptions for the rewards created programmatically by the same client_id.

      authToken - User access token for the broadcaster (scope: channel:manage:redemptions).
      broadcasterId - The id of the target channel, which must match the token user id.
      rewardId - When ID is not provided, this parameter returns paginated Custom Reward Redemption objects for redemptions of the Custom Reward with ID reward_id.
      redemptionIds - When used, this param filters the results and only returns Custom Reward Redemption objects for the redemptions with matching ID. Maximum: 50.
      status - When id is not provided, this param is required and filters the paginated Custom Reward Redemption objects for redemptions with the matching status.
      sort - Sort order of redemptions returned when getting the paginated Custom Reward Redemption objects for a reward. One of: OLDEST, NEWEST. Default: OLDEST.
      after - Cursor for forward pagination: tells the server where to start fetching the next set of results, in a multi-page response. This applies only to queries without ID.
      limit - Number of results to be returned when getting the paginated Custom Reward Redemption objects for a reward. Maximum: 50. Default: 20.
    • updateCustomReward<CustomRewardList> updateCustomReward(String authToken, String broadcasterId, String rewardId, CustomReward updatedReward)
      Updates a Custom Reward created on a channel.

      Only rewards created programmatically by the same client_id can be updated.

      authToken - User access token for the broadcaster (scope: channel:manage:redemptions).
      broadcasterId - The id of the target channel, which must match the token user id.
      rewardId - ID of the Custom Reward to delete, must match a Custom Reward on broadcaster_id’s channel.
      updatedReward - A CustomReward object with specific field(s) updated.
    • updateRedemptionStatus<CustomRewardRedemptionList> updateRedemptionStatus(String authToken, String broadcasterId, String rewardId, Collection<String> redemptionIds, RedemptionStatus newStatus)
      Updates the status of Custom Reward Redemption objects on a channel that are in the UNFULFILLED status.

      Only redemptions for a reward created programmatically by the same client_id as attached to the access token can be updated.

      authToken - User access token for the broadcaster (scope: channel:manage:redemptions).
      broadcasterId - The id of the target channel, which must match the token user id.
      rewardId - ID of the Custom Reward the redemptions to be updated are for.
      redemptionIds - ID of the Custom Reward Redemption to update, must match a Custom Reward Redemption on broadcaster_id’s channel. Max: 50.
      newStatus - The new status to set redemptions to. Can be either FULFILLED or CANCELED. Updating to CANCELED will refund the user their points.
    • getCharityCampaign<CharityCampaignWrapper> getCharityCampaign(String authToken, String broadcasterId)
      Gets information about the charity campaign that a broadcaster is running, such as their fundraising goal and the amount that’s been donated so far.

      The ID in the broadcaster_id query parameter must match the user ID in the access token.

      To receive events as donations occur, use SubscriptionTypes.CHANNEL_CHARITY_DONATE.

      authToken - Broadcaster user access token with the channel:read:charity scope.
      broadcasterId - The ID of the broadcaster that’s actively running a charity campaign.
      See Also:
    • getCharityDonations<CharityDonationList> getCharityDonations(String authToken, String broadcasterId, Integer limit, String after)
      Gets the list of donations that users have made to the broadcaster’s active charity campaign.
      authToken - Broadcaster user access token with the channel:read:charity scope.
      broadcasterId - The ID of the broadcaster that’s actively running a charity campaign.
      limit - The maximum number of items to return per page in the response. Minimum: 1. Maximum: 100. Default: 20.
      after - The cursor used to get the next page of results.
    • sendChatAnnouncement<Void> sendChatAnnouncement(String authToken, @NotNull @NotNull String broadcasterId, @NotNull @NotNull String moderatorId, @NotNull @NotNull String message, @NotNull AnnouncementColor color)
      Sends an announcement to the broadcaster’s chat room.

      Rate Limits: One announcement may be sent every 2 seconds.

      authToken - User access token (scope: moderator:manage:announcements) of the broadcaster or a moderator.
      broadcasterId - The ID of the broadcaster that owns the chat room to send the announcement to.
      moderatorId - The ID of a user who has permission to moderate the broadcaster’s chat room. This ID must match the user ID in the OAuth token, which can be a moderator or the broadcaster.
      message - The announcement to make in the broadcaster’s chat room. Announcements are limited to a maximum of 500 characters.
      color - The color used to highlight the announcement.
      204 No Content upon a successful call
      See Also:
    • sendChatAnnouncement

      @Deprecated default<Void> sendChatAnnouncement(String authToken, String broadcasterId, String moderatorId, String message, AnnouncementColor color)
      Sends an announcement to the broadcaster’s chat room.
      authToken - User access token (scope: moderator:manage:announcements) of the broadcaster or a moderator.
      broadcasterId - The ID of the broadcaster that owns the chat room to send the announcement to.
      moderatorId - The ID of a user who has permission to moderate the broadcaster’s chat room. This ID must match the user ID in the OAuth token, which can be a moderator or the broadcaster.
      message - The announcement to make in the broadcaster’s chat room. Announcements are limited to a maximum of 500 characters.
      color - The color used to highlight the announcement.
      204 No Content upon a successful call
      See Also:
    • getChannelChatBadges<ChatBadgeSetList> getChannelChatBadges(String authToken, String broadcasterId)
      Gets a list of custom chat badges that can be used in chat for the specified channel. This includes subscriber badges and Bit badges.
      authToken - App or User OAuth Token.
      broadcasterId - The id of the broadcaster whose chat badges are being requested.
    • getGlobalChatBadges<ChatBadgeSetList> getGlobalChatBadges(String authToken)
      Gets a list of chat badges that can be used in chat for any channel.
      authToken - User OAuth Token or App Access Token.
    • getChatters

      @Unofficial<ChattersList> getChatters(String authToken, String broadcasterId, String moderatorId, Integer limit, String after)
      Gets the list of users that are connected to the specified broadcaster’s chat session.

      This endpoint is in open beta, and could face breaking changes without warning.

      authToken - User access token that includes the moderator:read:chatters scope.
      broadcasterId - The ID of the broadcaster whose list of chatters you want to get.
      moderatorId - The ID of the moderator or the specified broadcaster that’s requesting the list of chatters. This ID must match the user ID associated with the user access token.
      limit - Optional: The maximum number of items to return per page in the response. Minimum: 1. Default: 100. Maximum: 1000.
      after - Optional: The cursor used to get the next page of results.
      See Also:
    • getUserChatColor<UserChatColorList> getUserChatColor(String authToken, @NotNull @NotNull List<String> userIds)
      Gets the color used for the user’s name in chat.
      authToken - App access token or user access token.
      userIds - The ID of the users whose color you want to get. Maximum: 100.
      See Also:
    • updateUserChatColor<Void> updateUserChatColor(String authToken, @NotNull @NotNull String userId, @NotNull @NotNull String color)
      Updates the color used for the user’s name in chat.

      All users may specify one of the following named color values in NamedUserChatColor. Turbo and Prime users may specify a named color or a Hex color code like #9146FF.

      authToken - User access token that includes the user:manage:chat_color scope.
      userId - The ID of the user whose chat color you want to update. This must match the user ID in the access token.
      color - The color to use for the user’s name in chat.
      204 No Content upon a successful call
      See Also:
    • getChannelEmotes<EmoteList> getChannelEmotes(String authToken, String broadcasterId)
      Gets all custom emotes for a specific Twitch channel including subscriber emotes, Bits tier emotes, and follower emotes.

      Custom channel emotes are custom emoticons that viewers may use in Twitch chat once they are subscribed to, cheered in, or followed the channel that owns the emotes.

      authToken - Any User OAuth Token or App Access Token.
      broadcasterId - The broadcaster whose emotes are being requested.
    • getGlobalEmotes<EmoteList> getGlobalEmotes(String authToken)
      Gets all global emotes.

      Global emotes are Twitch-specific emoticons that every user can use in Twitch chat.

      authToken - Any User OAuth Token or App Access Token.
    • getEmoteSets<EmoteList> getEmoteSets(String authToken, Collection<String> ids)
      Gets all Twitch emotes for one or more specific emote sets.
      authToken - Any User OAuth Token or App Access Token.
      ids - IDs of the emote sets. Minimum: 1. Maximum: 25. Warning: at the time of writing, the enforced maximum is actually 10.
    • getUserEmotes<EmoteList> getUserEmotes(String authToken, @NotNull @NotNull String userId, @Nullable @Nullable String broadcasterId, @Nullable @Nullable String cursor)
      Retrieves emotes available to the user across all channels.
      authToken - User access token (scope: user:read:emotes).
      userId - The ID of the user. This ID must match the user ID in the user access token.
      broadcasterId - Returns all emotes available to the user within the chat owned by the specified broadcaster. This includes the Global and Subscriber Emotes the user has access to, as well as channel-only specific emotes such as Follower Emotes. If the user specified in user_id is subscribed to the broadcaster specified, their follower emotes will appear in the response body regardless if this query parameter is used.
      cursor - The cursor used to get the next page of results.
      See Also:
    • sendChatMessage<SentChatMessageWrapper> sendChatMessage(String authToken, ChatMessage message)
      Sends a message to the broadcaster’s chat room.

      If an app access token is used, the chatting user must have authorized to the Client ID with the user:bot scope, and the broadcaster or a moderator must have authorized to the Client ID with the channel:bot scope.

      authToken - User access token (scope: user:write:chat) or App access token (with Client ID authorized).
      message - The message to be sent, including the source and target user IDs.
      metadata about the send message attempt
      See Also:
    • sendShoutout<Void> sendShoutout(String authToken, String fromBroadcasterId, String toBroadcasterId, String moderatorId)
      Sends a Shoutout to the specified broadcaster.

      Rate Limits: The broadcaster may send a Shoutout once every 2 minutes. They may send the same broadcaster a Shoutout once every 60 minutes. Note: these limits are not currently implemented by the library.

      authToken - A user access token that includes the moderator:manage:shoutouts scope.
      fromBroadcasterId - The ID of the broadcaster that’s sending the Shoutout.
      toBroadcasterId - The ID of the broadcaster that’s receiving the Shoutout.
      moderatorId - The ID of the broadcaster or a user that is one of the broadcaster’s moderators. This ID must match the user ID in the access token.
      204 No Content upon a successful request
      See Also:
    • getChatSettings<ChatSettingsWrapper> getChatSettings(String authToken, String broadcasterId, String moderatorId)
      Gets the broadcaster’s chat settings.
      authToken - Required: OAuth access token. To read the non-moderator chat delay, a moderator's user access token must be specified with the moderator:read:chat_settings scope.
      broadcasterId - Required: The ID of the broadcaster whose chat settings you want to get.
      moderatorId - Optional: The ID of a user that has permission to moderate the broadcaster’s chat room. Required only to access non moderator chat delay fields.
      See Also:
    • updateChatSettings<ChatSettingsWrapper> updateChatSettings(String authToken, String broadcasterId, String moderatorId, ChatSettings chatSettings)
      Updates the broadcaster’s chat settings.
      authToken - Required: User access token (of the broadcaster or a moderator) with scope set to moderator:manage:chat_settings, associated with moderatorId.
      broadcasterId - Required: The ID of the broadcaster whose chat settings you want to update.
      moderatorId - Required: The ID of a user that has permission to moderate the broadcaster’s chat room. Set this to the same value as broadcasterId if a broadcaster token is being used.
      chatSettings - Required: The chat settings that you want to update.
      See Also:
    • getCodeStatus

      @Deprecated<CodeStatusList> getCodeStatus(String authToken, List<String> code, Integer userId)
      Twitch decommissioned this endpoint on 2023-02-27.
      Gets the status of one or more provided codes.

      The API is throttled to one request per second per authenticated user.

      authToken - App access token. The client ID associated with the app access token must be approved by Twitch as part of a contracted arrangement.
      code - The code to get the status of. 1-20 code parameters are allowed.
      userId - Represents a numeric Twitch user ID. The user account which is going to receive the entitlement associated with the code.
    • redeemCode

      @Deprecated<CodeStatusList> redeemCode(String authToken, List<String> code, Integer userId)
      Twitch decommissioned this endpoint on 2023-02-27.
      Redeems one or more provided codes to the authenticated Twitch user.

      The API is throttled to one request per second per authenticated user.

      authToken - App access token. The client ID associated with the app access token must be one approved by Twitch.
      code - The code to redeem to the authenticated user’s account. 1-20 code parameters are allowed.
      userId - Represents a numeric Twitch user ID. The user account which is going to receive the entitlement associated with the code.
    • getDropsEntitlements<DropsEntitlementList> getDropsEntitlements(String authToken, String id, String userId, String gameId, DropFulfillmentStatus status, String after, Integer limit)
      Gets a list of entitlements for a given organization that have been granted to a game, user, or both.

      Valid combinations of requests are:

      • No fields - All entitlements with benefits owned by your organization.
      • Only userId - All entitlements for a user with benefits owned by your organization.
      • Only gameId - All entitlements for all users for a game. Your organization must own the game.
      • Both userId and gameId - All entitlements for the game granted to a user. Your organization must own the game.

      Pagination support: Forward only

      authToken - Required: App Access OAuth Token. OAuth Token Client ID must have ownership of Game: Client ID > RBAC Organization ID > Game ID.
      id - Optional: Unique Identifier of the entitlement.
      userId - Optional: A Twitch User ID.
      gameId - Optional: A Twitch Game ID.
      status - Optional: Fulfillment status used to filter entitlements.
      after - Optional: The cursor used to fetch the next page of data.
      limit - Optional: Maximum number of entitlements to return. Default: 20. Max: 1000.
    • getDropsEntitlements

      @Deprecated default<DropsEntitlementList> getDropsEntitlements(String authToken, String id, String userId, String gameId, String after, Integer limit)
    • updateDropsEntitlements<UpdatedDropEntitlementsList> updateDropsEntitlements(String authToken, UpdateDropEntitlementInput input)
      Updates the fulfillment status on a set of Drops entitlements, specified by their entitlement IDs.
      authToken - User OAuth Token or App Access Token where the client ID associated with the access token must have ownership of the game.
      input - The fulfillment_status to assign to each of the entitlement_ids.
    • createConduit<ConduitList> createConduit(String authToken, int shardCount)
      Creates a new EventSub conduit.
      authToken - App access token.
      shardCount - The number of shards to create for this conduit.
    • getConduits<ConduitList> getConduits(String authToken)
      Gets the conduits for a client ID.
      authToken - App access token.
    • updateConduit<ConduitList> updateConduit(String authToken, @NotNull @NotNull String conduitId, int shardCount)
      Updates a conduit’s shard count.

      To delete shards, update the count to a lower number, and the shards above the count will be deleted. For example, if the existing shard count is 100, by resetting shard count to 50, shards 50-99 are disabled.

      authToken - App access token.
      conduitId - The ID of the conduit to update.
      shardCount - The updated shard count for the conduit.
    • deleteConduit<Void> deleteConduit(String authToken, @NotNull @NotNull String conduitId)
      Deletes a specified conduit.

      Note that it may take some time for Eventsub subscriptions on a deleted conduit to show as disabled when calling Get Eventsub Subscriptions.

      authToken - App access token.
      conduitId - The ID of the conduit to delete.
      204 No Content upon a successful deletion.
    • getConduitShards<ConduitShardList> getConduitShards(String authToken, @NotNull @NotNull String conduitId, @Nullable @Nullable ShardStatus status, @Nullable @Nullable String after)
      Gets a lists of all shards for a conduit.
      authToken - App access token.
      conduitId - The Conduit ID.
      status - Status to filter by.
      after - The cursor used to get the next page of results.
    • updateConduitShards<ConduitShardList> updateConduitShards(String authToken, @NotNull @NotNull ShardsInput shards)
      Updates shard(s) for a conduit.

      NOTE: Shard IDs are indexed starting at 0, so a conduit with a shard_count of 5 will have shards with IDs 0 through 4.

      authToken - App access token.
      shards - The shards to update.
    • createEventSubSubscription<EventSubSubscriptionList> createEventSubSubscription(String authToken, EventSubSubscription subscription)
      Creates an EventSub subscription.
      authToken - Required: App access token for Webhooks, User access token for Websockets.
      subscription - Required: The subscription that is being created. Must include type, version, condition, and transport.
    • deleteEventSubSubscription<Void> deleteEventSubSubscription(String authToken, String subscriptionId)
      Delete an EventSub subscription.
      authToken - Required: App Access Token.
      subscriptionId - Required: The subscription ID for the subscription you want to delete.
      204 No Content upon a successful deletion
    • getEventSubSubscriptions<EventSubSubscriptionList> getEventSubSubscriptions(String authToken, EventSubSubscriptionStatus status, SubscriptionType<?,?,?> type, String userId, String after, Integer limit)
      Get a list of your EventSub subscriptions.

      The list is paginated and ordered by the oldest subscription first.

      Use the status, type, and user_id query parameters to filter the list of subscriptions that are returned. The filters are mutually exclusive; the request fails if you specify more than one filter.

      authToken - Required: App Access Token.
      status - Optional: Include this parameter to filter subscriptions by their status.
      type - Optional: Include this parameter to filter subscriptions by subscription type.
      userId - Optional: Include this parameter to filter subscriptions by user ID in the condition object.
      after - Optional: Cursor for forward pagination.
      limit - Optional: Maximum number of objects to return. Maximum: 100. Minimum: 10.
    • getEventSubSubscriptions

      @Deprecated default<EventSubSubscriptionList> getEventSubSubscriptions(String authToken, EventSubSubscriptionStatus status, String after, Integer limit)
      Get a list of your EventSub subscriptions.
      authToken - Required: App Access Token.
      status - Optional: Include this parameter to filter subscriptions by their status.
      after - Optional: Cursor for forward pagination.
      limit - Optional: Maximum number of objects to return. Maximum: 100. Minimum: 10.
    • getExtensions<ReleasedExtensionList> getExtensions(String jwtToken, String extensionId, String extensionVersion)
      Gets information about your Extensions; either the current version or a specified version.
      jwtToken - Signed JWT with role set to "external".
      extensionId - ID of the Extension.
      extensionVersion - The specific version of the Extension to return. If not provided, the current version is returned.
    • sendExtensionChatMessage<Void> sendExtensionChatMessage(String jwtToken, String extensionId, String extensionVersion, String broadcasterId, String text)
      Sends a specified chat message to a specified channel.

      The message will appear in the channel’s chat as a normal message. The “username” of the message is the Extension name.

      There is a limit of 12 messages per minute, per channel.

      jwtToken - Signed JWT with user_id and role (set to "external").
      extensionId - Client ID associated with the Extension.
      extensionVersion - Version of the Extension sending this message.
      broadcasterId - User ID of the broadcaster whose channel has the Extension activated.
      text - Message for Twitch chat. Maximum: 280 characters.
      204 No Content upon a successful request
    • getExtensionConfigurationSegment<ExtensionConfigurationSegmentList> getExtensionConfigurationSegment(String jwtToken, String extensionId, List<ExtensionSegment> segment, String broadcasterId)
      Gets the specified configuration segment from the specified extension.

      You can retrieve each segment a maximum of 20 times per minute. If you exceed the limit, the request returns HTTP status code 429.

      jwtToken - Signed JWT with exp, user_id, and role (set to "external").
      extensionId - The ID of the extension that contains the configuration segment you want to get.
      segment - The type of configuration segment to get.
      broadcasterId - The ID of the broadcaster for the configuration returned. This parameter is required if you set the segment parameter to broadcaster or developer. Do not specify this parameter if you set segment to global.
    • setExtensionConfigurationSegment<Void> setExtensionConfigurationSegment(String jwtToken, String extensionId, ExtensionConfigurationSegmentInput input)
      Sets a single configuration segment of any type.

      Each segment is limited to 5 KB and can be set at most 20 times per minute. Updates to this data are not delivered to Extensions that have already been rendered.

      jwtToken - Signed JWT with exp, user_id, and role (set to "external").
      extensionId - ID for the Extension which the configuration is for.
      input - Segment configuration info.
      204 No Content upon a successful request.
    • getExtensionSecrets<ExtensionSecretsList> getExtensionSecrets(String jwtToken, String extensionId)
      Retrieves a specified Extension’s secret data consisting of a version and an array of secret objects.

      Each secret object contains a base64-encoded secret, a UTC timestamp when the secret becomes active, and a timestamp when the secret expires.

      Signed JWT created by an Extension Backend Service (EBS), following the requirements documented in Signing the JWT. A signed JWT must include the exp, user_id, and role fields documented in JWT Schema, and role must be set to "external".

      jwtToken - Signed JWT with exp, user_id, and role (set to "external").
      extensionId - The Client ID associated with the extension.
    • createExtensionSecret<ExtensionSecretsList> createExtensionSecret(String jwtToken, String extensionId, Integer delay)
      Creates a JWT signing secret for a specific Extension.

      Also rotates any current secrets out of service, with enough time for instances of the Extension to gracefully switch over to the new secret. Use this function only when you are ready to install the new secret it returns.

      jwtToken - Signed JWT with exp, user_id, and role (set to "external").
      extensionId - The Client ID associated with the extension.
      delay - Optional: JWT signing activation delay for the newly created secret in seconds. Minimum: 300. Default: 300.
    • getExtensionLiveChannels<ExtensionLiveChannelsList> getExtensionLiveChannels(String authToken, String extensionId, Integer limit, String after)
      Returns one page of live channels that have installed or activated a specific Extension, identified by a client ID value assigned to the Extension when it is created.

      A channel that recently went live may take a few minutes to appear in this list, and a channel may continue to appear on this list for a few minutes after it stops broadcasting.

      authToken - User OAuth Token or App Access Token
      extensionId - ID of the Extension to search for.
      limit - Maximum number of objects to return. Maximum: 100. Default: 20.
      after - The cursor used to fetch the next page of data.
    • sendExtensionPubSubMessage

      @Deprecated<Void> sendExtensionPubSubMessage(String jwtToken, String extensionId, String target, SendPubSubMessageInput input)
    • sendExtensionPubSubMessage

      default<Void> sendExtensionPubSubMessage(String jwtToken, @NotNull @NotNull String extensionId, @NotNull @NotNull SendPubSubMessageInput input)
      Twitch provides a publish-subscribe system for your EBS to communicate with both the broadcaster and viewers. Calling this endpoint forwards your message using the same mechanism as the send JavaScript helper function.

      A message can be sent to either a specified channel or globally (all channels on which your extension is active).

      Extension PubSub has a rate limit of 100 requests per minute for a combination of Extension client ID and broadcaster ID.

      A signed JWT must include the channel_id and pubsub_perms fields documented in JWT Schema.

      jwtToken - Signed JWT with exp, user_id, role, channel_id, pubsub_perms.send
      extensionId - Client ID associated with the Extension.
      input - Details on the message to be sent and its targets.
      204 No Content upon a successful request.
    • getReleasedExtensions<ReleasedExtensionList> getReleasedExtensions(String authToken, String extensionId, String extensionVersion)
      Gets information about a released Extension; either the current version or a specified version.
      authToken - User OAuth Token or App Access Token
      extensionId - ID of the Extension.
      extensionVersion - The specific version of the Extension to return. If not provided, the current version is returned.
    • setExtensionRequiredConfiguration<Void> setExtensionRequiredConfiguration(String jwtToken, String extensionId, String extensionVersion, String configurationVersion, String broadcasterId)
      Enable activation of a specified Extension, after any required broadcaster configuration is correct.

      This is for Extensions that require broadcaster configuration before activation. Use this if, in Extension Capabilities, you select Custom/My Own Service.

      You enforce required broadcaster configuration with a required_configuration string in the Extension manifest. The contents of this string can be whatever you want. Once your EBS determines that the Extension is correctly configured on a channel, use this endpoint to provide that same configuration string, which enables activation on the channel. The endpoint URL includes the channel ID of the page where the Extension is iframe embedded.

      If a future version of the Extension requires a different configuration, change the required_configuration string in your manifest. When the new version is released, broadcasters will be required to re-configure that new version.

      jwtToken - Signed JWT with exp, user_id, and role (set to "external").
      extensionId - ID for the Extension to activate.
      extensionVersion - The version fo the Extension to release.
      configurationVersion - The version of the configuration to use with the Extension.
      broadcasterId - User ID of the broadcaster who has activated the specified Extension on their channel.
      204 No Content upon a successful request.
    • getExtensionTransactions<ExtensionTransactionList> getExtensionTransactions(String authToken, String extensionId, List<String> transactionIds, String after, Integer limit)
      Get Extension Transactions allows extension back end servers to fetch a list of transactions that have occurred for their extension across all of Twitch.
      authToken - App Access OAuth Token
      extensionId - ID of the extension to list transactions for.
      transactionIds - Transaction IDs to look up. Can include multiple to fetch multiple transactions in a single request. Maximum: 100
      after - The cursor used to fetch the next page of data. This only applies to queries without ID. If an ID is specified, it supersedes the cursor.
      limit - Maximum number of objects to return. Maximum: 100 Default: 20
    • searchCategories<CategorySearchList> searchCategories(String authToken, String query, Integer limit, String after)
      Returns a list of games or categories that match the query via name either entirely or partially
      authToken - Auth Token
      query - the search query
      limit - Maximum number of objects to return. Maximum: 100. Default: 20.
      after - Cursor for forward pagination
    • getChannelInformation<ChannelInformationList> getChannelInformation(String authToken, List<String> broadcasterIds)
      Gets channel information for users
      authToken - Auth Token
      broadcasterIds - IDs of the channels to be retrieved (up to 100)
    • updateChannelInformation<Void> updateChannelInformation(String authToken, String broadcasterId, ChannelInformation channelInformation)
      Modifies channel information for users
      authToken - Auth Token (scope: channel:manage:broadcast or user:edit:broadcast)
      broadcasterId - ID of the channel to be updated (required)
      channelInformation - ChannelInformation (at least one parameter must be provided)
      204 No Content upon a successful update
    • searchChannels<ChannelSearchList> searchChannels(String authToken, String query, Integer limit, String after, Boolean liveOnly)
      Gets the channels that match the specified query and have streamed content within the past 6 months.

      The fields that the API uses for comparison depends on the value that the live_only query parameter is set to. If live_only is false, the API matches on the broadcaster’s login name. However, if live_only is true, the API matches on the broadcaster’s name and category name.

      To match, the beginning of the broadcaster’s name or category must match the query string. The comparison is case-insensitive. If the query string is angel_of_death, it matches all names that begin with angel_of_death. However, if the query string is a phrase like angel of death, it matches to names starting with angelofdeath or names starting with angel_of_death.

      At the time of writing, query does not search stream titles.

      authToken - Auth Token
      query - the search query
      limit - Maximum number of objects to return. Maximum: 100. Default: 20.
      after - Cursor for forward pagination
      liveOnly - Filter results for live streams only. Default: false
    • getSharedChatSession<SharedChatSessionWrapper> getSharedChatSession(String authToken, String broadcasterId)
      Retrieves the active shared chat session for a channel.
      authToken - App access token or user access token.
      broadcasterId - The User ID of the channel broadcaster.
    • getSoundtrackCurrentTrack

      @Deprecated @ScheduledForRemoval<SoundtrackCurrentTrackWrapper> getSoundtrackCurrentTrack(String authToken, String broadcasterId)
      Gets the Soundtrack track that the broadcaster is playing.

      If the broadcaster is not playing a track, the endpoint returns HTTP status code 404 Not Found.

      authToken - App access token or User access token.
      broadcasterId - The ID of the broadcaster that’s playing a Soundtrack track.
    • getSoundtrackPlaylist

      @Deprecated @ScheduledForRemoval<SoundtrackPlaylistTracksList> getSoundtrackPlaylist(String authToken, String id, Integer limit, String after)
      Gets the tracks of a Soundtrack playlist.
      authToken - Required: App access token or User access token.
      id - Required: The ID of the Soundtrack playlist to get.
      limit - Optional: The maximum number of tracks to return for this playlist in the response. The minimum number of tracks is 1 and the maximum is 50. The default is 20.
      after - Optional: The cursor used to get the next page of tracks for this playlist. The Pagination object in the response contains the cursor’s value.
    • getSoundtrackPlaylists

      @Deprecated @ScheduledForRemoval<SoundtrackPlaylistMetadataList> getSoundtrackPlaylists(String authToken, String id, Integer limit, String after)
      Gets a list of Soundtrack playlists.

      The list contains information about the playlists, such as their titles and descriptions. To get a playlist’s tracks, call getSoundtrackPlaylist(String, String, Integer, String) and specify the playlist’s ID.

      authToken - Required: App access token or User access token.
      id - Optional: The ID of the Soundtrack playlist to get. Specify an ID only if you want to get a single playlist instead of all playlists.
      limit - Optional: The maximum number of playlists to return in the response. The minimum number of playlists is 1 and the maximum is 50. The default is 20.
      after - Optional: The cursor used to get the next page of playlists. The Pagination object in the response contains the cursor’s value.
    • getAdSchedule<AdScheduleWrapper> getAdSchedule(String authToken, String broadcasterId)
      Obtains ad schedule related information, including snooze, when the last ad was run, when the next ad is scheduled, and if the channel is currently in pre-roll free time.
      authToken - User access token with the channel:read:ads scope from the broadcaster.
      broadcasterId - The user id that corresponds with the user access token.
      See Also:
    • snoozeNextAd<SnoozedAdWrapper> snoozeNextAd(String authToken, String broadcasterId)
      If available, pushes back the timestamp of the upcoming automatic mid-roll ad by 5 minutes. This endpoint duplicates the snooze functionality in the creator dashboard’s Ads Manager.

      If the channel is not currently live or the channel does not have an upcoming scheduled ad break, this endpoint will return Error 400: Bad Request.

      If the channel has no snoozes left, this endpoint will return Error 429: Too Many Requests.

      authToken - User access token with the channel:manage:ads scope from the broadcaster.
      broadcasterId - The user id that corresponds with the user access token.
      See Also:
    • startCommercial<CommercialList> startCommercial(String authToken, String broadcasterId, Integer length)
      Starts a commercial on a specified channel
      authToken - Auth Token (scope: channel:edit:commercial)
      broadcasterId - ID of the channel requesting a commercial
      length - Desired length of the commercial in seconds. Valid options are 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180.
    • getChannelEditors<ChannelEditorList> getChannelEditors(String authToken, String broadcasterId)
      Gets a list of users who have editor permissions for a specific channel.
      authToken - Required: User access token of the broadcaster with the channel:read:editors scope.
      broadcasterId - Required: Broadcaster’s user ID associated with the channel.
      See Also:
    • getFollowedChannels<OutboundFollowing> getFollowedChannels(String authToken, @NotNull @NotNull String userId, @Nullable @Nullable String broadcasterId, @Nullable @Nullable Integer limit, @Nullable @Nullable String after)
      Gets a list of broadcasters that the specified user follows.

      You can also use this endpoint to see whether a user follows a specific broadcaster.

      Requires a user access token that includes the user:read:follows scope.

      authToken - User access token (scope: user:read:follows) that matches the specified userId.
      userId - Required: A user’s ID. Returns the list of broadcasters that this user follows.
      broadcasterId - Optional: The ID of a channel to see whether this user follows the channel. If not specified, the response contains all broadcasters that the user follows.
      limit - Optional: The maximum number of items to return per page in the response. Default: 20. Minimum: 1. Maximum: 100.
      after - Optional: The cursor used to get the next page of results.
      See Also:
    • getChannelFollowers<InboundFollowers> getChannelFollowers(String authToken, @NotNull @NotNull String broadcasterId, @Nullable @Nullable String userId, @Nullable @Nullable Integer limit, @Nullable @Nullable String after)
      Gets a list of users that follow the specified broadcaster.

      You can also use this endpoint to see whether a specific user follows the broadcaster.

      Requires a user access token that includes the moderator:read:followers scope. The user ID in the access token must match the ID in the broadcaster_id query parameter or the ID of a moderator for the specified broadcaster. If a scope is not provided, only the total follower account will be included in the response.

      authToken - User access token (scope: moderator:read:followers) from the broadcaster or their moderator
      broadcasterId - Required: The broadcaster's ID whose list of followers is being queried.
      userId - Optional: The ID of a user to see whether the user follows this broadcaster. If not specified, the response contains all users that follow the broadcaster.
      limit - Optional: The maximum number of items to return per page in the response. Default: 20. Minimum: 1. Maximum: 100.
      after - Optional: The cursor used to get the next page of results.
      See Also:
    • getChannelVips<ChannelVipList> getChannelVips(String authToken, @NotNull @NotNull String broadcasterId, @Nullable @Nullable List<String> userIds, @Nullable @Nullable Integer limit, @Nullable @Nullable String after)
      Gets a list of the channel’s VIPs.
      authToken - Broadcaster's user access token that includes the channel:read:vips scope.
      broadcasterId - The ID of the broadcaster whose list of VIPs you want to get.
      userIds - Filters the list for specific VIPs. The maximum number of IDs that you may specify is 100.
      limit - The maximum number of items to return per page in the response. Minimum: 1. Maximum: 100. Default: 20.
      after - The cursor used to get the next page of results. The Pagination object in the response contains the cursor’s value.
      See Also:
    • addChannelVip<Void> addChannelVip(String authToken, @NotNull @NotNull String broadcasterId, @NotNull @NotNull String userId)
      Adds a VIP to the broadcaster’s chat room.
      authToken - Broadcaster's user access token that includes the channel:manage:vips scope.
      broadcasterId - The ID of the broadcaster that’s granting VIP status to the user.
      userId - The ID of the user to add as a VIP in the broadcaster’s chat room.
      204 No Content upon a successful call
      See Also:
    • removeChannelVip<Void> removeChannelVip(String authToken, @NotNull @NotNull String broadcasterId, @NotNull @NotNull String userId)
      Removes a VIP from the broadcaster’s chat room.
      authToken - Broadcaster's user access token that includes the channel:manage:vips scope.
      broadcasterId - The ID of the broadcaster that’s removing VIP status from the user.
      userId - The ID of the user to remove as a VIP from the broadcaster’s chat room.
      204 No Content upon a successful call
      See Also:
    • createClip<CreateClipList> createClip(String authToken, String broadcasterId, Boolean hasDelay)
      Creates a clip programmatically. This returns both an ID and an edit URL for the new clip.
      authToken - Auth Token
      broadcasterId - ID of the stream from which the clip will be made.
      hasDelay - If false, the clip is captured from the live stream when the API is called; otherwise, a delay is added before the clip is captured (to account for the brief delay between the broadcaster’s stream and the viewer’s experience of that stream). Default: false.
    • getClips<ClipList> getClips(String authToken, String broadcasterId, String gameId, List<String> ids, String after, String before, Integer limit, Instant startedAt, Instant endedAt, Boolean isFeatured)
      Gets clip information by clip ID (one or more), broadcaster ID (one only), or game ID (one only).

      The id, game_id, and broadcaster_id query parameters are mutually exclusive, and at least one must be specified.

      For clips returned by game_id or broadcaster_id, the list is in descending order by view count. For lists returned by id, the list is in the same order as the input IDs.

      authToken - User or App access token.
      broadcasterId - ID of the broadcaster for whom clips are returned.
      gameId - ID of the game for which clips are returned.
      ids - ID of the clip being queried. Limit: 100.
      after - Cursor for forward pagination: tells the server where to start fetching the next set of results, in a multi-page response.
      before - Cursor for backward pagination: tells the server where to start fetching the next set of results, in a multi-page response.
      limit - Maximum number of objects to return. Maximum: 100. Default: 20.
      startedAt - Starting date/time for returned clips, in RFC3339 format.
      endedAt - Ending date/time for returned clips, in RFC3339 format. If not specified, the time window is the start date plus one week.
      isFeatured - Whether the response includes featured clips. If true, returns only clips that are featured. If false, returns only clips that aren’t featured. All clips are returned if this parameter is not present.
    • getClips

      @Deprecated default<ClipList> getClips(String authToken, String broadcasterId, String gameId, String id, String after, String before, Integer limit, Instant startedAt, Instant endedAt)
      Gets one or more video clips that were captured from streams.
      authToken - User or App access token.
      broadcasterId - ID of the broadcaster for whom clips are returned.
      gameId - ID of the game for which clips are returned.
      id - ID of the clip being queried.
      after - Cursor for forward pagination: tells the server where to start fetching the next set of results, in a multi-page response.
      before - Cursor for backward pagination: tells the server where to start fetching the next set of results, in a multi-page response.
      limit - Maximum number of objects to return. Maximum: 100. Default: 20.
      startedAt - Starting date/time for returned clips, in RFC3339 format. (Note that the seconds value is ignored.)
      endedAt - Ending date/time for returned clips, in RFC3339 format. (Note that the seconds value is ignored.)
      ClipList Clip List
    • getContentClassificationLabels<ContentClassificationList> getContentClassificationLabels(String authToken, String locale)
      Gets information about Twitch content classification labels.
      authToken - App Access Token or User Access Token.
      locale - Locale for the Content Classification Labels. Default: "en-US". Supported locales: "bg-BG", "cs-CZ", "da-DK", "da-DK", "de-DE", "el-GR", "en-GB", "en-US", "es-ES", "es-MX", "fi-FI", "fr-FR", "hu-HU", "it-IT", "ja-JP", "ko-KR", "nl-NL", "no-NO", "pl-PL", "pt-BT", "pt-PT", "ro-RO", "ru-RU", "sk-SK", "sv-SE", "th-TH", "tr-TR", "vi-VN", "zh-CN", "zh-TW"
    • createEntitlementUploadUrl<UploadEntitlementUrlList> createEntitlementUploadUrl(String authToken, String manifestId, String type)
      Creates a URL where you can upload a manifest file and notify users that they have an entitlement
      authToken - App access token
      manifestId - Unique identifier of the manifest file to be uploaded. Must be 1-64 characters.
      type - Type of entitlement being granted. Only "bulk_drops_grant" is supported.
    • getGames<GameList> getGames(String authToken, List<String> id, List<String> name, List<String> igdbId)
      Gets game information by game ID or game name or IGBD ID.

      If specifying a combination of IDs, names, or IGDB IDs, the total count (across types) must not exceed 100.

      authToken - User or App access token
      id - Game ID. At most 100 id values can be specified.
      name - Game name. The name must be an exact match. At most 100 name values can be specified.
      igdbId - The IGDB ID of the game to get. Maximum: 100.
    • getGames

      @Deprecated default<GameList> getGames(String authToken, List<String> id, List<String> name)
      in favor of getGames(String, List, List, List); can simply pass null for the new fourth argument
      Gets game information by game ID or game name.

      If specifying a combination of IDs and, names, the total count (across types) must not exceed 100.

      authToken - User or App access token
      id - Game ID. At most 100 id values can be specified.
      name - Game name. The name must be an exact match. At most 100 name values can be specified.
    • getCreatorGoals<CreatorGoalsList> getCreatorGoals(String authToken, String broadcasterId)
      Gets the broadcaster’s list of active goals.

      Use this to get the current progress of each goal.

      NOTE: Although the API currently supports only one goal, you should write your application to support one or more goals.

      authToken - User access token from the broadcaster with the channel:read:goals scope.
      broadcasterId - The ID of the broadcaster that created the goals.
      See Also:
    • getHypeTrainEvents<HypeTrainEventList> getHypeTrainEvents(String authToken, String broadcasterId, Integer limit, String after)
      Gets the information of the most recent Hype Train of the given channel ID. After 5 days, if no Hype Train has been active, the endpoint will return an empty response.
      authToken - User Auth Token (scope: channel:read:hype_train)
      broadcasterId - User ID of the broadcaster (required)
      limit - Maximum number of objects to return. Maximum: 100. Default: 1. (optional)
      after - Cursor for forward pagination (optional)
    • getHypeTrainEvents

      @Deprecated default<HypeTrainEventList> getHypeTrainEvents(String authToken, String broadcasterId, Integer limit, String id, String after)
      Gets the information of the most recent Hype Train of the given channel ID. After 5 days, if no Hype Train has been active, the endpoint will return an empty response.
      authToken - User Auth Token (scope: channel:read:hype_train)
      broadcasterId - User ID of the broadcaster (required)
      limit - Maximum number of objects to return. Maximum: 100. Default: 1. (optional)
      id - The id of the wanted event, if known. This field has been deprecated by twitch and has no effect. (optional)
      after - Cursor for forward pagination (optional)
      See Also:
    • getIngestServers<IngestServerList> getIngestServers(URI baseUrl)
    • getIngestServers

      default<IngestServerList> getIngestServers()
      Get Ingest Servers returns a list of endpoints for ingesting live video into Twitch.
    • manageAutoModHeldMessage<Void> manageAutoModHeldMessage(String authToken, String moderatorId, String messageId, AutoModHeldMessageAction action)
      Allow or deny a message that was held for review by AutoMod.

      In order to retrieve messages held for review, use ITwitchPubsub#listenForModerationEvents(OAuth2Credential, String, String) and ChatModerationEvent.

      Note that the scope allows this endpoint to be used for any channel that the authenticated user is a moderator, including their own channel.

      authToken - User OAuth token from a moderator with the moderator:manage:automod scope.
      moderatorId - The moderator who is approving or rejecting the held message. Must match the user_id in the user OAuth token.
      messageId - ID of the message to be allowed or denied. These message IDs are retrieved from IRC or PubSub.
      action - The action to take for the message.
      204 No Content upon a successful request.
      See Also:
    • getAutoModSettings<AutoModSettingsWrapper> getAutoModSettings(String authToken, String broadcasterId, String moderatorId)
      Gets the broadcaster’s AutoMod settings, which are used to automatically block inappropriate or harassing messages from appearing in the broadcaster’s chat room.
      authToken - Required: User access token (of the broadcaster or a moderator) with scope set to moderator:read:automod_settings
      broadcasterId - Required: The ID of the broadcaster whose AutoMod settings you want to get.
      moderatorId - Required: The ID of a user that has permission to moderate the broadcaster’s chat room. Set this to the same value as broadcasterId if a broadcaster token is being used.
      See Also:
    • updateAutoModSettings<AutoModSettingsWrapper> updateAutoModSettings(String authToken, String broadcasterId, String moderatorId, AutoModSettings settings)
      Updates the broadcaster’s AutoMod settings, which are used to automatically block inappropriate or harassing messages from appearing in the broadcaster’s chat room.

      You can set either overall_level or the individual settings like aggression, but not both.

      Setting overall_level applies default values to the individual settings. However, setting overall_level to 4 does not mean that it applies 4 to all the individual settings. Instead, it applies a set of recommended defaults to the rest of the settings. For example, if you set overall_level to 2, Twitch provides some filtering on discrimination and sexual content, but more filtering on hostility (see the first example response).

      If overall_level is currently set and you update swearing to 3, overall_level will be set to null and all settings other than swearing will be set to 0. The same is true if individual settings are set and you update overall_level to 3 — all the individual settings are updated to reflect the default level.

      Note that if you set all the individual settings to values that match what overall_level would have set them to, Twitch changes AutoMod to use the default AutoMod level instead of using the individual settings.

      Valid values for all levels are from 0 (no filtering) through 4 (most aggressive filtering). These levels affect how aggressively AutoMod holds back messages for moderators to review before they appear in chat or are denied (not shown).

      authToken - Required: User access token (of the broadcaster or a moderator) with scope set to moderator:manage:automod_settings, associated with moderatorId.
      broadcasterId - Required: The ID of the broadcaster whose AutoMod settings you want to update.
      moderatorId - Required: The ID of a user that has permission to moderate the broadcaster’s chat room. Set this to the same value as broadcasterId if a broadcaster token is being used.
      settings - Required: The AutoMod Settings fields that should be overwritten.
      See Also:
    • getBannedUsers<BannedUserList> getBannedUsers(String authToken, String broadcasterId, List<String> userId, String after, String before, Integer limit)
      Returns all banned and timed-out users in a channel.
      authToken - Auth Token (scope: moderation:read)
      broadcasterId - Required: Provided broadcaster_id must match the user_id in the auth token.
      userId - Optional: Filters the results for only those with a matching user_id. Maximum: 100.
      after - Optional: Cursor for forward pagination.
      before - Optional: Cursor for backward pagination.
      limit - Maximum number of objects to return. Maximum: 100. Default: 20.
    • getBannedUsers

      @Deprecated default<BannedUserList> getBannedUsers(String authToken, String broadcasterId, List<String> userId, String after, String before)
      in favor of getBannedUsers(String, String, List, String, String, Integer) where the last param is the number of objects to retrieve.
      Returns all banned and timed-out users in a channel.
      authToken - Auth Token (scope: moderation:read)
      broadcasterId - Required: Provided broadcaster_id must match the user_id in the auth token.
      userId - Optional: Filters the results for only those with a matching user_id. Maximum: 100.
      after - Optional: Cursor for forward pagination.
      before - Optional: Cursor for backward pagination.
    • getBannedEvents

      @Deprecated<BannedEventList> getBannedEvents(String authToken, String broadcasterId, List<String> userId, String after, Integer limit)
      Will be removed come March 15, 2022, in favor of EventSub and getBannedUsers(String, String, List, String, String, Integer)
      Returns all user bans and un-bans in a channel.
      authToken - Auth Token (scope: moderation:read)
      broadcasterId - Required: Provided broadcaster_id must match the user_id in the auth token.
      userId - Optional: Filters the results and only returns a status object for users who are banned in this channel and have a matching user_id. Maximum: 100.
      after - Optional: Cursor for forward pagination.
      limit - Optional: Maximum number of objects to return. Maximum: 100. Default: 20.
      See Also:
    • banUser<BanUsersList> banUser(String authToken, String broadcasterId, String moderatorId, BanUserInput data)
      Bans a user from participating in a broadcaster’s chat room, or puts them in a timeout.

      If the user is currently in a timeout, you can call this endpoint to change the duration of the timeout or ban them altogether. If the user is currently banned, you cannot call this method to put them in a timeout instead.

      authToken - Required: User access token (of the broadcaster or a moderator) with scope set to moderator:manage:banned_users, associated with moderatorId.
      broadcasterId - Required: The ID of the broadcaster whose chat room the user is being banned from.
      moderatorId - Required: The ID of a user that has permission to moderate the broadcaster’s chat room. Set this to the same value as broadcasterId if a broadcaster token is being used.
      data - Required: Information on the user to ban or put in a timeout.
      See Also:
    • unbanUser<Void> unbanUser(String authToken, String broadcasterId, String moderatorId, String userId)
      Removes the ban or timeout that was placed on the specified user
      authToken - Required: User access token (of the broadcaster or a moderator) with scope set to moderator:manage:banned_users, associated with moderatorId.
      broadcasterId - Required: The ID of the broadcaster whose chat room the user is banned from chatting in.
      moderatorId - Required: The ID of a user that has permission to moderate the broadcaster’s chat room. Set this to the same value as broadcasterId if a broadcaster token is being used.
      userId - Required: The ID of the user to remove the ban or timeout from.
      204 No Content upon a successful unban or untimeout
      See Also:
    • getBlockedTerms<BlockedTermList> getBlockedTerms(String authToken, String broadcasterId, String moderatorId, String after, Integer limit)
      Gets the broadcaster’s list of non-private, blocked words or phrases. These are the terms that the broadcaster or moderator added manually, or that were denied by AutoMod.
      authToken - Required: User access token (of the broadcaster or a moderator) with scope set to moderator:read:blocked_terms, associated with moderatorId.
      broadcasterId - Required: The ID of the broadcaster whose blocked terms you’re getting.
      moderatorId - Required: The ID of a user that has permission to moderate the broadcaster’s chat room. Set this to the same value as broadcasterId if a broadcaster token is being used.
      after - Optional: The cursor used to get the next page of results. The Pagination object in the response contains the cursor’s value.
      limit - Optional: The maximum number of blocked terms to return per page in the response. The minimum page size is 1 blocked term per page and the maximum is 100. The default is 20.
      See Also:
    • addBlockedTerm<BlockedTermList> addBlockedTerm(String authToken, String broadcasterId, String moderatorId, String term)
      Adds a word or phrase to the broadcaster’s list of blocked terms. These are the terms that broadcasters don’t want used in their chat room.

      The term must contain a minimum of 2 characters and may contain up to a maximum of 500 characters.

      Terms can use a wildcard character (*). The wildcard character must appear at the beginning or end of a word, or set of characters. For example, *foo or foo*.

      authToken - Required: User access token (of the broadcaster or a moderator) with scope set to moderator:manage:blocked_terms, associated with moderatorId.
      broadcasterId - Required: The ID of the broadcaster that owns the list of blocked terms.
      moderatorId - Required: The ID of a user that has permission to moderate the broadcaster’s chat room. Set this to the same value as broadcasterId if a broadcaster token is being used.
      term - Required: The word or phrase to block from being used in the broadcaster’s chat room.
      See Also:
    • removeBlockedTerm<Void> removeBlockedTerm(String authToken, String broadcasterId, String moderatorId, String blockedTermId)
      Removes the word or phrase that the broadcaster is blocking users from using in their chat room.
      authToken - Required: User access token (of the broadcaster or a moderator) with scope set to moderator:manage:blocked_terms, associated with moderatorId.
      broadcasterId - Required: The ID of the broadcaster that owns the list of blocked terms.
      moderatorId - Required: The ID of a user that has permission to moderate the broadcaster’s chat room. Set this to the same value as broadcasterId if a broadcaster token is being used.
      blockedTermId - Required: The ID of the blocked term you want to delete.
      204 No Content upon a successful request
      See Also:
    • getModeratedChannels<ModeratedChannelList> getModeratedChannels(String authToken, String userId, Integer limit, String after)
      Gets a list of channels that the specified user has moderator privileges in.
      authToken - User access token (scope: user:read:moderated_channels)
      userId - The user id associated with the user access token
      limit - The maximum number of items to return per page in the response. Default: 20. Minimum: 1. Maximum: 100.
      after - The cursor used to get the next page of results.
      See Also:
    • deleteChatMessages<Void> deleteChatMessages(String authToken, @NotNull @NotNull String broadcasterId, @NotNull @NotNull String moderatorId, @Nullable @Nullable String messageId)
      Removes a single chat message or all chat messages from the broadcaster’s chat room.

      The ID in the moderator_id query parameter must match the user ID in the access token. If the broadcaster wants to remove messages themselves (instead of having the moderator do it), set this parameter to the broadcaster’s ID, too.

      The id tag in the PRIVMSG contains the message’s ID (see IRCMessageEvent#getMessageId). Restrictions:

      • The message must have been created within the last 6 hours.
      • The message must not belong to the broadcaster.
      If id is not specified, the request removes all messages in the broadcaster’s chat room.
      authToken - User access token (scope: moderator:manage:chat_messages) of the broadcaster or a moderator.
      broadcasterId - The ID of the broadcaster that owns the chat room to remove messages from.
      moderatorId - The ID of a user that has permission to moderate the broadcaster’s chat room. This ID must match the user ID in the OAuth token.
      messageId - The ID of the message to remove. If not specified, the request removes all messages in the broadcaster’s chat room.
      204 No Content upon a successful call
      See Also:
    • checkAutomodStatus<AutomodEnforceStatusList> checkAutomodStatus(String authToken, String broadcasterId, AutomodEnforceCheckList messages)
      Determines whether a string message meets the channel’s AutoMod requirements.
      authToken - Auth Token (scope: moderation:read)
      broadcasterId - Provided broadcaster_id must match the user_id in the auth token.
      messages - the messages to be checked
    • getModerators<ModeratorList> getModerators(String authToken, String broadcasterId, List<String> userIds, String after, Integer limit)
      Returns all moderators in a channel.
      authToken - User Token for the broadcaster (scope: moderation:read or channel:manage:moderators),
      broadcasterId - Provided broadcaster_id must match the user_id in the auth token.
      userIds - Filters the results and only returns a status object for users who are moderators in this channel and have a matching user_id.
      after - Cursor for forward pagination: tells the server where to start fetching the next set of results, in a multi-page response. The cursor value specified here is from the pagination response field of a prior query.
      limit - Maximum number of objects to return. Maximum: 100. Default: 20.
      See Also:
    • addChannelModerator<Void> addChannelModerator(String authToken, @NotNull @NotNull String broadcasterId, @NotNull @NotNull String userId)
      Adds a moderator to the broadcaster’s chat room.
      authToken - Broadcaster's user access token that includes the channel:manage:moderators scope.
      broadcasterId - The ID of the broadcaster that owns the chat room.
      userId - The ID of the user to add as a moderator in the broadcaster’s chat room.
      204 No Content upon a successful call
      See Also:
    • removeChannelModerator<Void> removeChannelModerator(String authToken, @NotNull @NotNull String broadcasterId, @NotNull @NotNull String userId)
      Removes a moderator from the broadcaster’s chat room.
      authToken - User access token (scope: channel:manage:moderators) of the broadcaster or target moderator.
      broadcasterId - The ID of the broadcaster that owns the chat room.
      userId - The ID of the user to remove as a moderator from the broadcaster’s chat room.
      204 No Content upon a successful call
      See Also:
    • getModerators

      @Deprecated default<ModeratorList> getModerators(String authToken, String broadcasterId, List<String> userIds, String after)
      in favor of getModerators(String, String, List, String, Integer) where the last param is the number of objects to retrieve.
      Returns all moderators in a channel.
      authToken - User Token for the broadcaster
      broadcasterId - Provided broadcaster_id must match the user_id in the auth token.
      userIds - Filters the results and only returns a status object for users who are moderators in this channel and have a matching user_id.
      after - Cursor for forward pagination: tells the server where to start fetching the next set of results, in a multi-page response. The cursor value specified here is from the pagination response field of a prior query.
    • getModeratorEvents

      @Deprecated<ModeratorEventList> getModeratorEvents(String authToken, String broadcasterId, List<String> userIds, String after, Integer limit)
      Will be removed come March 15, 2022, in favor of EventSub and getModerators(String, String, List, String, Integer)
      Returns a list of moderators or users added and removed as moderators from a channel.
      authToken - User Token for the broadcaster
      broadcasterId - Provided broadcaster_id must match the user_id in the auth token.
      userIds - Filters the results and only returns a status object for users who are moderators in this channel and have a matching user_id.
      after - Cursor for forward pagination: tells the server where to start fetching the next set of results, in a multi-page response. The cursor value specified here is from the pagination response field of a prior query.
      limit - Maximum number of objects to return. Maximum: 100. Default: 20.
      See Also:
    • getModeratorEvents

      @Deprecated default<ModeratorEventList> getModeratorEvents(String authToken, String broadcasterId, List<String> userIds, String after)
      in favor of getModeratorEvents(String, String, List, String, Integer) where the last param is the number of objects to retrieve.
      Returns a list of moderators or users added and removed as moderators from a channel.
      authToken - User Token for the broadcaster
      broadcasterId - Provided broadcaster_id must match the user_id in the auth token.
      userIds - Filters the results and only returns a status object for users who are moderators in this channel and have a matching user_id.
      after - Cursor for forward pagination: tells the server where to start fetching the next set of results, in a multi-page response. The cursor value specified here is from the pagination response field of a prior query.
      See Also:
    • getShieldModeStatus<ShieldModeStatusWrapper> getShieldModeStatus(String authToken, String broadcasterId, String moderatorId)
      Gets the broadcaster’s Shield Mode activation status.
      authToken - User access token that includes the moderator:read:shield_mode or moderator:manage:shield_mode scope.
      broadcasterId - The ID of the broadcaster whose Shield Mode activation status you want to get.
      moderatorId - The ID of the broadcaster or a user that is one of the broadcaster’s moderators. This ID must match the user ID in the access token.
      See Also:
    • updateShieldModeStatus<ShieldModeStatusWrapper> updateShieldModeStatus(String authToken, String broadcasterId, String moderatorId, boolean active)
      Activates or deactivates the broadcaster’s Shield Mode.
      authToken - User access token that includes the moderator:manage:shield_mode scope.
      broadcasterId - The ID of the broadcaster whose Shield Mode you want to activate or deactivate.
      moderatorId - The ID of the broadcaster or a user that is one of the broadcaster’s moderators. This ID must match the user ID in the access token.
      active - A Boolean value that determines whether to activate Shield Mode.
      See Also:
    • getUnbanRequests<UnbanRequestList> getUnbanRequests(String authToken, @NotNull @NotNull String broadcasterId, @NotNull @NotNull String moderatorId, @NotNull @NotNull UnbanRequestStatus status, @Nullable @Nullable String userId, @Nullable @Nullable String after, @Nullable @Nullable Integer limit)
      Gets a list of unban requests for a broadcaster’s channel.
      authToken - User access token (scope: moderator:read:unban_requests or moderator:manage:unban_requests) of a channel moderator.
      broadcasterId - The ID of the broadcaster whose channel is receiving unban requests.
      moderatorId - The ID of the broadcaster or a user that has permission to moderate the broadcaster’s unban requests. This ID must match the user ID in the user access token.
      status - Filter by a status.
      userId - Optional: Filter by a user ID of an unban request submitter (i.e., someone who was banned).
      after - Optional: Cursor used to get next page of results.
      limit - Optional: The maximum number of items to return per page in response.
      See Also:
    • resolveUnbanRequest<UnbanRequestList> resolveUnbanRequest(String authToken, @NotNull @NotNull String broadcasterId, @NotNull @NotNull String moderatorId, @NotNull @NotNull String unbanRequestId, @NotNull @NotNull UnbanRequestStatus status, @Nullable @Nullable String resolutionText)
      Resolve an unban request by approving or denying it.
      authToken - User access token (scope: moderator:manage:unban_requests) from a channel moderator.
      broadcasterId - The ID of the broadcaster whose channel is approving or denying the unban request.
      moderatorId - The ID of the broadcaster or a user that has permission to moderate the broadcaster’s unban requests. This ID must match the user ID in the user access token.
      unbanRequestId - The ID of the unban request to resolve; UnbanRequest.getId().
      status - Resolution status; should be UnbanRequestStatus.APPROVED or UnbanRequestStatus.DENIED.
      resolutionText - Optional: Message supplied by the unban request resolver to be shown to the requestor.
      See Also:
    • warnChatUser<ValueWrapper<ChatUserWarning>> warnChatUser(String authToken, @NotNull @NotNull String broadcasterId, @NotNull @NotNull String moderatorId, @NotNull @NotNull String userId, @NotNull @NotNull String reason)
      Warns a user in the specified broadcaster’s chat room, preventing them from chat interaction until the warning is acknowledged.

      New warnings can be issued to a user when they already have a warning in the channel (new warning will replace old warning).

      authToken - User access token that includes the moderator:manage:warnings scope. Query parameter moderator_id must match the user_id in the user access token.
      broadcasterId - The ID of the channel in which the warning will take effect.
      moderatorId - The ID of the twitch user who requested the warning.
      userId - The ID of the twitch user to be warned.
      reason - A custom reason for the warning. Max: 500 chars.
      See Also:
    • getPolls<PollsList> getPolls(String authToken, String broadcasterId, List<String> pollIds, String after, Integer limit)
      Get information about all polls or specific polls for a Twitch channel.

      Poll information is available for 90 days.

      authToken - Required: User OAuth token from the broadcaster with the channel:read:polls scope.
      broadcasterId - Required: The broadcaster running polls. Provided broadcaster_id must match the user_id in the user OAuth token.
      pollIds - Optional: ID of a poll. Filters results to one or more specific polls. Not providing one or more IDs will return the full list of polls for the authenticated channel. Maximum: 100.
      after - Optional: Cursor for forward pagination: The cursor value specified here is from the pagination response field of a prior query.
      limit - Optional: Maximum number of objects to return. Maximum: 20. Default: 20.
      See Also:
    • createPoll<PollsList> createPoll(String authToken, Poll poll)
      Create a poll for a specific Twitch channel.
      authToken - User OAuth token from the broadcaster with the channel:manage:polls scope.
      poll - The new poll to be created. Required: broadcaster_id, title, choices, choice.title, duration. Optional: bits_voting_enabled, bits_per_vote, channel_points_voting_enabled, channel_points_per_vote.
      See Also:
    • endPoll<PollsList> endPoll(String authToken, Poll poll)
      End a poll that is currently active.
      authToken - User OAuth token from the broadcaster with the channel:manage:polls scope.
      poll - The poll to be ended. Required: broadcaster_id, id, status (must be TERMINATED or ARCHIVED, depending on whether it should be viewed publicly).
      See Also:
    • getPredictions<PredictionsList> getPredictions(String authToken, String broadcasterId, List<String> predictionId, String after, Integer limit)
      Get information about all Channel Points Predictions or specific Channel Points Predictions for a Twitch channel.
      authToken - Required: User OAuth token from the broadcaster with the channel:read:predictions scope.
      broadcasterId - Required: The broadcaster running Predictions. Provided broadcaster_id must match the user_id in the user OAuth token.
      predictionId - Optional: ID of a Prediction. Filters results to one or more specific Predictions. Not providing one or more IDs will return the full list of Predictions for the authenticated channel. Maximum: 100
      after - Optional: The cursor value specified here is from the pagination response field of a prior query.
      limit - Optional: Maximum number of objects to return. Maximum: 20. Default: 20.
      See Also:
    • createPrediction<PredictionsList> createPrediction(String authToken, Prediction prediction)
      Create a Channel Points Prediction for a specific Twitch channel.
      authToken - User OAuth token from the broadcaster with the channel:manage:predictions scope.
      prediction - The prediction to be created. Required: broadcaster_id, title, outcomes, outcome.title, prediction_window.
      See Also:
    • endPrediction<PredictionsList> endPrediction(String authToken, Prediction prediction)
      Lock, resolve, or cancel a Channel Points Prediction.

      Active Predictions can be updated to be "locked," "resolved," or "canceled." Locked Predictions can be updated to be "resolved" or "canceled."

      authToken - User OAuth token from the broadcaster with the channel:manage:predictions scope.
      prediction - The prediction to be ended. Required: broadcaster_id, id, status (RESOLVED or CANCELED or LOCKED). Optional: winning_outcome_id (must be present for RESOLVED status).
      See Also:
    • startRaid<RaidRequestList> startRaid(String authToken, String fromBroadcasterId, String toBroadcasterId)
      Raid another channel by sending the broadcaster’s viewers to the targeted channel.

      This endpoint triggers a 90-second cooldown before the raid is executed (or the broadcaster can manually press "Raid now").

      authToken - Broadcaster user access token with the channel:manage:raids scope.
      fromBroadcasterId - The ID of the broadcaster that’s sending the raiding party.
      toBroadcasterId - The ID of the broadcaster to raid.
      See Also:
    • cancelRaid<Void> cancelRaid(String authToken, String broadcasterId)
      Cancel a pending raid.

      You can cancel a raid at any point up until the broadcaster clicks Raid Now in the Twitch UX or the 90 seconds countdown expires.

      authToken - Broadcaster user access token with the channel:manage:raids scope.
      broadcasterId - The ID of the broadcaster that sent the raiding party.
      204 No Content upon a successful raid cancel call
    • getTopGames<GameTopList> getTopGames(String authToken, String after, String before, String first)
      Gets games sorted by number of current viewers on Twitch, most popular first. Using user-token or app-token to increase rate limits.
      authToken - User or App auth Token, for increased rate-limits
      after - Cursor for forward pagination: tells the server where to start fetching the next set of results, in a multi-page response. The cursor value specified here is from the pagination response field of a prior query.
      before - Cursor for backward pagination: tells the server where to start fetching the next set of results, in a multi-page response. The cursor value specified here is from the pagination response field of a prior query.
      first - Maximum number of objects to return. Maximum: 100. Default: 20.
    • getChannelStreamSchedule<StreamScheduleResponse> getChannelStreamSchedule(String authToken, String broadcasterId, Collection<String> ids, Instant startTime, String utcOffset, String after, Integer limit)
      Gets all scheduled broadcasts or specific scheduled broadcasts from a channel’s stream schedule.
      authToken - User OAuth Token or App Access Token.
      broadcasterId - User ID of the broadcaster who owns the channel streaming schedule.
      ids - The ID of the stream segment to return. Maximum: 100.
      startTime - A timestamp in RFC3339 format to start returning stream segments from. If not specified, the current date and time is used.
      utcOffset - A timezone offset for the requester specified in minutes. For example, a timezone that is +4 hours from GMT would be “240.” If not specified, “0” is used for GMT.
      after - Cursor for forward pagination: tells the server where to start fetching the next set of results in a multi-page response. The cursor value specified here is from the pagination response field of a prior query.
      limit - Maximum number of stream segments to return. Maximum: 25. Default: 20.
    • getChannelInternetCalendarResponse

      @Deprecated<feign.Response> getChannelInternetCalendarResponse(String broadcasterId)
    • getChannelInternetCalendar

      default String getChannelInternetCalendar(String broadcasterId) throws IOException
      Gets all scheduled broadcasts from a channel’s stream schedule as an iCalendar.
      broadcasterId - User ID of the broadcaster who owns the channel streaming schedule.
      iCalendar data is returned according to RFC5545, in a multi-line String.
    • updateChannelStreamSchedule<Void> updateChannelStreamSchedule(String authToken, String broadcasterId, Boolean vacationEnabled, Instant vacationStart, Instant vacationEnd, String timezone)
      Update the settings for a channel’s stream schedule.
      authToken - User OAuth Token of the broadcaster (scope: "channel:manage:schedule").
      broadcasterId - User ID of the broadcaster who owns the channel streaming schedule. Provided broadcaster_id must match the user_id in the user OAuth token.
      vacationEnabled - Indicates whether Vacation Mode is enabled.
      vacationStart - Start time for vacation specified in RFC3339 format. Required if is_vacation_enabled is set to true.
      vacationEnd - End time for vacation specified in RFC3339 format. Required if is_vacation_enabled is set to true.
      timezone - The timezone for when the vacation is being scheduled using the IANA time zone database format. Required if is_vacation_enabled is set to true.
      204 No Content upon a successful call.
    • createStreamScheduleSegment<StreamScheduleResponse> createStreamScheduleSegment(String authToken, String broadcasterId, ScheduleSegmentInput segment)
      Create a single scheduled broadcast or a recurring scheduled broadcast for a channel’s stream schedule.
      authToken - User OAuth Token of the broadcaster (scope: "channel:manage:schedule").
      broadcasterId - User ID of the broadcaster who owns the channel streaming schedule. Provided broadcaster_id must match the user_id in the user OAuth token.
      segment - Properties of the scheduled broadcast (required: start_time, timezone, duration).
    • updateStreamScheduleSegment<StreamScheduleResponse> updateStreamScheduleSegment(String authToken, String broadcasterId, String id, ScheduleSegmentInput segment)
      Update a single scheduled broadcast or a recurring scheduled broadcast for a channel’s stream schedule.
      authToken - User OAuth Token of the broadcaster (scope: "channel:manage:schedule").
      broadcasterId - User ID of the broadcaster who owns the channel streaming schedule. Provided broadcaster_id must match the user_id in the user OAuth token.
      id - The ID of the streaming segment to update.
      segment - Updated properties of the scheduled broadcast.
    • deleteStreamScheduleSegment<Void> deleteStreamScheduleSegment(String authToken, String broadcasterId, String id)
      Delete a single scheduled broadcast or a recurring scheduled broadcast for a channel’s stream schedule.
      authToken - User OAuth Token of the broadcaster (scope: "channel:manage:schedule").
      broadcasterId - User ID of the broadcaster who owns the channel streaming schedule. Provided broadcaster_id must match the user_id in the user OAuth token.
      id - The ID of the streaming segment to delete.
      204 No Content upon a successful call.
    • getStreams<StreamList> getStreams(String authToken, String after, String before, Integer limit, List<String> gameIds, List<String> language, List<String> userIds, List<String> userLogins)
      Gets information about active streams.

      Streams are returned sorted by number of current viewers, in descending order. Across multiple pages of results, there may be duplicate or missing streams, as viewers join and leave streams.

      authToken - User or App Access Token
      after - Cursor for forward pagination: tells the server where to start fetching the next set of results, in a multi-page response. The cursor value specified here is from the pagination response field of a prior query.
      before - Cursor for backward pagination: tells the server where to start fetching the next set of results, in a multi-page response. The cursor value specified here is from the pagination response field of a prior query.
      limit - Maximum number of objects to return. Maximum: 100. Default: 20.
      gameIds - Returns streams broadcasting a specified game ID. You can specify up to 100 IDs.
      language - Stream language. You can specify up to 100 languages. A language value must be either the ISO 639-1 two-letter code for a supported stream language or "other".
      userIds - Returns streams broadcast by one or more specified user IDs. You can specify up to 100 IDs.
      userLogins - Returns streams broadcast by one or more specified user login names. You can specify up to 100 names.
    • getStreams

      @Deprecated default<StreamList> getStreams(String authToken, String after, String before, Integer limit, List<UUID> communityId, List<String> gameIds, String language, List<String> userIds, List<String> userLogins)
      in favor of getStreams(String, String, String, Integer, List, List, List, List); simply remove the argument for communityId to migrate
      Gets information about active streams.
      authToken - User or App Access Token
      after - Cursor for forward pagination: tells the server where to start fetching the next set of results, in a multi-page response. The cursor value specified here is from the pagination response field of a prior query.
      before - Cursor for backward pagination: tells the server where to start fetching the next set of results, in a multi-page response. The cursor value specified here is from the pagination response field of a prior query.
      limit - Maximum number of objects to return. Maximum: 100. Default: 20.
      communityId - Returns streams in a specified community ID. You can specify up to 100 IDs. No longer supported by twitch.
      gameIds - Returns streams broadcasting a specified game ID. You can specify up to 100 IDs.
      language - Stream language. You can specify up to 100 languages.
      userIds - Returns streams broadcast by one or more specified user IDs. You can specify up to 100 IDs.
      userLogins - Returns streams broadcast by one or more specified user login names. You can specify up to 100 names.
    • getFollowedStreams<StreamList> getFollowedStreams(String authToken, String userId, String after, Integer limit)
      Gets information about active streams belonging to channels that the authenticated user follows.

      Streams are returned sorted by number of current viewers, in descending order. Across multiple pages of results, there may be duplicate or missing streams, as viewers join and leave streams.

      authToken - Required: OAuth user token with the user:read:follows scope.
      userId - Required: Results will only include active streams from the channels that this Twitch user follows. This must match the User ID in the bearer token.
      after - Optional: Cursor for forward pagination.
      limit - Optional: Maximum number of objects to return. Maximum: 100. Default: 100.
      See Also:
    • getStreamKey<StreamKeyList> getStreamKey(String authToken, String broadcasterId)
      Gets the channel stream key for a user
      authToken - Auth Token (scope: channel:read:stream_key)
      broadcasterId - User ID of the broadcaster
    • getAllStreamTags

      @Deprecated<StreamTagList> getAllStreamTags(String authToken, String after, Integer limit, List<UUID> tagIds)
      Twitch will decommission this endpoint on 2023-07-13 due to the latest custom tags system.
      Gets available Twitch stream tags.
      authToken - User Token or App auth Token, for increased rate-limits
      after - Cursor for forward pagination: tells the server where to start fetching the next set of results, in a multi-page response. The cursor value specified here is from the pagination response field of a prior query.
      limit - Maximum number of objects to return. Maximum: 100. Default: 20.
      tagIds - Returns tags by one or more specified tag IDs. You can specify up to 100 IDs. If you search by tagIds, no pagination is used.
      See Also:
    • getStreamTags

      @Deprecated<StreamTagList> getStreamTags(String authToken, String broadcasterId)
      Twitch will decommission this endpoint on 2023-07-13 in favor of getChannelInformation(String, List) due to the latest custom tags system.
      Gets stream tags which are active on the specified stream.
      authToken - User Token or App auth Token, for increased rate-limits
      broadcasterId - ID of the stream to fetch current tags from
      See Also:
    • replaceStreamTags

      @Deprecated<Void> replaceStreamTags(String authToken, String broadcasterId, List<UUID> tagIds)
      Twitch has decommissioned this endpoint in favor of updateChannelInformation(String, String, ChannelInformation) due to the latest custom tags system.
      Replaces the active stream tags on the specified stream with the specified tags (or clears all tags, if no new tags are specified). Requires scope: channel:manage:broadcast or user:edit:broadcast
      authToken - Auth Token
      broadcasterId - ID of the stream to replace tags for
      tagIds - Tag ids to replace the current stream tags with. Maximum: 100. If empty, all tags are cleared from the stream. Tags currently expire 72 hours after they are applied, unless the stream is live within that time period.
      Object nothing
      See Also:
    • createStreamMarker<StreamMarker> createStreamMarker(String authToken, Highlight highlight)
      Creates a marker at the current time during a live stream. A marker is a temporal indicator that appears on the Twitch web UI for highlight creation and can also be retrieved with getStreamMarkers. Markers are meant to remind streamers and their video editors of important moments during a stream. Markers can be created only if the broadcast identified by the specified userId is live and has enabled VOD (past broadcast) storage. Marker creation will fail if the broadcaster is airing a premiere or a rerun. Requires scope: channel:manage:broadcast or user:edit:broadcast
      authToken - Auth Token
      highlight - User id and optional description for the marker
    • getStreamMarkers<StreamMarkersList> getStreamMarkers(String authToken, String after, String before, Integer limit, String userId, String videoId)
      Gets a list of markers for either a specified user’s most recent stream or a specified VOD/video (stream), ordered by recency. A marker is an arbitrary point in a stream that the broadcaster wants to mark; e.g., to easily return to later. The only markers returned are those created by the user identified by the Bearer token.
      authToken - User Auth Token
      after - Cursor for forward pagination: tells the server where to start fetching the next set of results, in a multi-page response. The cursor value specified here is from the pagination response field of a prior query.
      before - Cursor for backward pagination: tells the server where to start fetching the next set of results, in a multi-page response. The cursor value specified here is from the pagination response field of a prior query.
      limit - Maximum number of objects to return. Maximum: 100. Default: 20.
      userId - ID of the broadcaster from whose stream markers are returned.
      videoId - ID of the VOD/video whose stream markers are returned.
    • getSubscriptions<SubscriptionList> getSubscriptions(String authToken, String broadcasterId, String after, String before, Integer limit)
      Get all subscribers of a channel
      authToken - User Auth Token
      broadcasterId - User ID of the broadcaster. Must match the User ID in the Bearer token.
      after - Cursor for forward pagination: tells the server where to start fetching the next set of results, in a multi-page response. The cursor value specified here is from the pagination response field of a prior query.
      before - Cursor for backward pagination: tells the server where to start fetching the next set of results, in a multi-page response. The cursor value specified here is from the pagination response field of a prior query.
      limit - Maximum number of objects to return. Maximum: 100. Default: 20.
    • getSubscriptionsByUser<SubscriptionList> getSubscriptionsByUser(String authToken, String broadcasterId, List<String> userIds)
      Check subscription status of provided user IDs (one or more) for a given channel
      authToken - User Auth Token
      broadcasterId - User ID of the broadcaster. Must match the User ID in the Bearer token.
      userIds - Unique identifier of account to get subscription status of. Accepts up to 100 values.
    • getSubscriptionEvents

      @Deprecated<SubscriptionEventList> getSubscriptionEvents(String authToken, String broadcasterId, String id, String userId, String after, Integer limit)
      Will be removed come March 15, 2022, in favor of EventSub and getSubscriptions(String, String, String, String, Integer)
      Returns all subscription events for the past five days.
      authToken - Required: User Auth Token (scope: channel:read:subscriptions).
      broadcasterId - Required: User ID of the broadcaster. Must match the User ID in the Bearer token.
      id - Optional: Retrieve a single event by the event ID.
      userId - Optional: ID of the subscribed user.
      after - Optional: Cursor for forward pagination; where to start fetching the next set of results in a multi-page response. This applies only to queries without user_id.
      limit - Optional: Limit the number of items in the response payload. Maximum: 100.
      See Also:
    • checkUserSubscription<SubscriptionList> checkUserSubscription(String authToken, String broadcasterId, String userId)
      Checks if a specific user (user_id) is subscribed to a specific channel (broadcaster_id).
      authToken - Token with the user:read:subscriptions scope. App access works if the user has authorized your application.
      broadcasterId - User ID of an Affiliate or Partner broadcaster.
      userId - User ID of a Twitch viewer.
      SubscriptionList on success, error 404 if not subscribed
    • getTeams<TeamList> getTeams(String authToken, String name, String id)
      Gets information for a specific Twitch Team.

      One of the two optional query parameters must be specified to return Team information.

      authToken - User OAuth Token or App Access Token.
      name - Team name.
      id - Team ID.
    • getChannelTeams<TeamMembershipList> getChannelTeams(String authToken, String broadcasterId)
      Retrieves a list of Twitch Teams of which the specified channel/broadcaster is a member.
      authToken - User OAuth Token or App Access Token
      broadcasterId - User ID for a Twitch user.
    • getUsers<UserList> getUsers(String authToken, List<String> userIds, List<String> userNames)
      Get Users

      Gets information about one or more specified Twitch users. Users are identified by optional user IDs and/or login name. If neither a user ID nor a login name is specified, the user is looked up by Bearer token.

      authToken - Auth Token (optionally with the user:read:email scope)
      userIds - User ID. Multiple user IDs can be specified. Limit: 100.
      userNames - User login name. Multiple login names can be specified. Limit: 100.
    • getUserBlockList<BlockedUserList> getUserBlockList(String authToken, String userId, String after, Integer limit)
      Gets a specified user’s block list.

      The list is sorted by when the block occurred in descending order (i.e. most recent block first).

      authToken - Required: User Access Token with the user:read:blocked_users scope.
      userId - Required: User ID for a Twitch user.
      after - Optional: The cursor value specified here is from the pagination response field of a prior query.
      limit - Optional: Maximum number of objects to return. Maximum: 100. Default: 20.
      See Also:
    • blockUser<Void> blockUser(String authToken, String targetUserId, String sourceContext, String reason)
      Blocks the specified user on behalf of the authenticated user.
      authToken - Required: User Access Token with the user:manage:blocked_users scope.
      targetUserId - Required: User ID of the user to be blocked.
      sourceContext - Optional: Source context for blocking the user. Valid values: "chat", "whisper".
      reason - Optional: Reason for blocking the user. Valid values: "spam", "harassment", or "other".
      204 No Content upon a successful call.
      See Also:
    • unblockUser<Void> unblockUser(String authToken, String targetUserId)
      Unblocks the specified user on behalf of the authenticated user.
      authToken - Required: User Access Token with the user:manage:blocked_users scope.
      targetUserId - Required: User ID of the user to be unblocked.
      204 No Content upon a successful call.
      See Also:
    • getFollowers

      @Deprecated<FollowList> getFollowers(String authToken, String fromId, String toId, String after, Integer limit)
      Without prior notice, Twitch has restricted this endpoint to client_id's that were using it before 2023-02-18. Further, Twitch will shutdown this endpoint on 2023-09-12 in favor of getChannelFollowers(String, String, String, Integer, String) and getFollowedChannels(String, String, String, Integer, String).
      Get Followers

      Gets information on follow relationships between two Twitch users. Information returned is sorted in order, most recent follow first.

      WARNING: This method will soon be deprecated as Twitch is imposing new auth requirements. When to_id is specified, a (scoped) broadcaster or moderator oauth token will be required. When from_id is specified, a (scoped) user access token associated with from_id will be required.

      authToken - User or App access Token
      fromId - User ID. The request returns information about users who are being followed by the from_id user.
      toId - User ID. The request returns information about users who are following the to_id user.
      after - Cursor for forward pagination: tells the server where to start fetching the next set of results, in a multi-page response.
      limit - Maximum number of objects to return. Maximum: 100. Default: 20.
      See Also:
    • createFollow

      @Deprecated<Void> createFollow(String authToken, String fromId, String toId, boolean allowNotifications)
      Adds a specified user to the followers of a specified channel
      authToken - Auth Token (scope: user:edit:follows)
      fromId - User ID of the follower
      toId - ID of the channel to be followed by the user
      allowNotifications - Whether the user gets email or push notifications (depending on the user’s notification settings) when the channel goes live. Default value is false
      204 No Content upon a successfully created follow
    • deleteFollow

      @Deprecated<Void> deleteFollow(String authToken, String fromId, String toId)
      Deletes a specified user from the followers of a specified channel
      authToken - Auth Token (scope: user:edit:follows)
      fromId - User ID of the follower
      toId - Channel to be unfollowed by the user
      204 No Content upon a successful deletion from the list of channel followers
    • updateUser<UserList> updateUser(String authToken, String description)
      Update User

      Updates the description of a user specified by a Bearer token. Requires scope: user:edit

      authToken - Auth Token
      description - New user description
    • getUserExtensions<ExtensionList> getUserExtensions(String authToken)
      Get User Extensions

      Gets a list of all extensions (both active and inactive) for a specified user, identified by a Bearer token. The response has a JSON payload with a data field containing an array of user-information elements. Required scope: user:read:broadcast

      Note: inactive extensions are only returned if the token has the user:edit:broadcast scope -

      authToken - Auth Token
    • getUserActiveExtensions<ExtensionActiveList> getUserActiveExtensions(String authToken, String userId)
      Get User Active Extensions

      Gets information about active extensions installed by a specified user, identified by a user ID or Bearer token. Optional scope: user:read:broadcast or user:edit:broadcast

      authToken - Auth Token
      userId - ID of the user whose installed extensions will be returned. Limit: 1.
    • updateUserExtensions<ExtensionActiveList> updateUserExtensions(String authToken, ExtensionActiveList extensions)
      Updates the activation state, extension ID, and/or version number of installed extensions for a specified user, identified by a Bearer token. If you try to activate a given extension under multiple extension types, the last write wins (and there is no guarantee of write order).
      authToken - Auth Token (scope: user:edit:broadcast)
      extensions - ExtensionActiveList
    • getVideos<VideoList> getVideos(String authToken, List<String> id, String userId, String gameId, String language, Video.SearchPeriod period, Video.SearchOrder sort, Video.Type type, Integer limit, String after, String before)
      Get Videos

      Gets video information by video ID (one or more), user ID (one only), or game ID (one only). The response has a JSON payload with a data field containing an array of video elements. For lookup by user or game, pagination is available, along with several filters that can be specified as query string parameters.

      The id, user_id, and game_id parameters are mutually exclusive (but exactly one must be specified).

      You may apply several filters to get a subset of the videos. The filters are applied as an AND operation to each video. The filters apply only if you get videos by user ID or game ID.

      authToken - User or App Access Token
      id - Required: A list of IDs that identify the videos you want to get. Limit: 100. If this is specified, you cannot use any of the optional query string parameters below.
      userId - Required: The ID of the user whose list of videos you want to get.
      gameId - Required: A category or game ID. The response contains a maximum of 500 videos that show this content.
      language - Optional: Language of the video being queried (ISO 639-1 two-letter code, or "other" if the language is not supported by Twitch).
      period - Optional: Period during which the video was created. Valid values: "all", "day", "week", "month". Default: "all".
      sort - Optional: Sort order of the videos. Valid values: "time", "trending", "views". Default: "time".
      type - Optional: Type of video. Valid values: "all", "upload", "archive", "highlight". Default: "all".
      limit - Optional: Number of values to be returned when getting videos by user or game ID. Limit: 100. Default: 20.
      after - Optional: The cursor used to get the next page of results.
      before - Optional: The cursor used to get the previous page of results.
    • getVideos

      @Deprecated default<VideoList> getVideos(String authToken, String id, String userId, String gameId, String language, String period, String sort, String type, String after, String before, Integer limit)
      Get Videos

      Gets video information by video ID (one or more), user ID (one only), or game ID (one only). The response has a JSON payload with a data field containing an array of video elements. For lookup by user or game, pagination is available, along with several filters that can be specified as query string parameters.

      authToken - User or App Access Token
      id - Required: ID of the video being queried. Limit: 100. If this is specified, you cannot use any of the optional query string parameters below.
      userId - Required: ID of the user who owns the video. Limit 1.
      gameId - Required: ID of the game the video is of. Limit 1.
      language - Optional: Language of the video being queried. Limit: 1.
      period - Optional: Period during which the video was created. Valid values: "all", "day", "week", "month". Default: "all".
      sort - Optional: Sort order of the videos. Valid values: "time", "trending", "views". Default: "time".
      type - Optional: Type of video. Valid values: "all", "upload", "archive", "highlight". Default: "all".
      after - Optional: Cursor for forward pagination: tells the server where to start fetching the next set of results, in a multi-page response.
      before - Optional: Cursor for backward pagination: tells the server where to start fetching the next set of results, in a multi-page response.
      limit - Optional: Number of values to be returned when getting videos by user or game ID. Limit: 100. Default: 20.
    • deleteVideos<DeletedVideoList> deleteVideos(String authToken, List<String> ids)
      Deletes one or more videos. Videos are past broadcasts, Highlights, or uploads.

      Invalid Video IDs will be ignored (i.e. IDs provided that do not have a video associated with it). If the OAuth user token does not have permission to delete even one of the valid Video IDs, no videos will be deleted and the response will return a 401.

      authToken - Required: User OAuth token with the channel:manage:videos scope.
      ids - Required: ID of the video(s) to be deleted. Limit: 5.
      See Also:
    • getWebhookSubscriptions

      @Deprecated<WebhookSubscriptionList> getWebhookSubscriptions(String authToken, String after, Integer limit)
      Get Webhook Subscriptions

      Gets the Webhook subscriptions of a user identified by a Bearer token, in order of expiration. The response has a JSON payload with a data field containing an array of subscription elements and a pagination field containing information required to query for more subscriptions.

      authToken - User or App auth Token, for increased rate-limits
      after - Cursor for forward pagination: tells the server where to start fetching the next set of results, in a multi-page response.
      limit - Number of values to be returned when getting videos by user or game ID. Limit: 100. Default: 20.
    • requestWebhookSubscription

      @Deprecated<feign.Response> requestWebhookSubscription(WebhookRequest request, String authToken)
      Subscribe to or unsubscribe from events for a specified topic.

      Web hook response payloads mimic their respective New Twitch API endpoint responses (with minor omissions for unnecessary fields). That is, a call to a web hook returns in its payload the same data as a call to the corresponding endpoint in the new Twitch API.

      When you submit a request to subscribe to an event (with the Subscribe To/Unsubscribe From Events endpoint), your request is asynchronously validated to confirm you are allowed to create the subscription.
      Depending on the results of this validation, Twitch responds by sending you one of two GET requests:

      * Subscription verify

      * Subscription denied

      request - WebhookRequest to be converted to the Json body of the API call.
      authToken - Auth Token
      The response from the server
      See Also:
    • sendWhisper<Void> sendWhisper(String authToken, @NotNull @NotNull String fromUserId, @NotNull @NotNull String toUserId, @NotNull @NotNull String message)
      Sends a whisper message to the specified user.

      Note: The user sending the whisper must have a verified phone number.

      Note: The API may silently drop whispers that it suspects of violating Twitch policies. (The API does not indicate that it dropped the whisper; it returns a 204 status code as if it succeeded).

      Rate Limits: You may whisper to a maximum of 40 unique recipients per day. Within the per day limit, you may whisper a maximum of 3 whispers per second and a maximum of 100 whispers per minute.

      The ID in the from_user_id query parameter must match the user ID in the access token.

      The maximum message lengths are:

      • 500 characters if the user you're sending the message to hasn't whispered you before.
      • 10,000 characters if the user you're sending the message to has whispered you before.

      Error 400 (Bad Request) can occur if the user that you're sending the whisper to doesn't allow whisper messages from strangers, and has not followed the sender's twitch account.

      authToken - User access token for the whisper sender that includes the user:manage:whispers scope
      fromUserId - The ID of the user sending the whisper. This user must have a verified phone number.
      toUserId - The ID of the user to receive the whisper.
      message - The whisper message to send. The message must not be empty. Messages that exceed the maximum length are truncated.
      204 No Content upon a successful call, even if the message was silently dropped
      See Also: