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Client Helper

The Twitch4J Client Helper aims to bundle some common code used by library users to prevent everyone from reinventing the wheel ;)

Current Features:

  • Stream Updates: ChannelGoLiveEvent, ChannelGoOfflineEvent, ChannelChangeGameEvent, ChannelChangeTitleEvent, ChannelViewerCountUpdateEvent
  • Clip Updates: ChannelClipCreatedEvent
  • Follower Updates: FollowEvent, ChannelFollowCountUpdateEvent

Those methods require the Helix Module, so enable it in the TwitchClientBuilder.

Default Credential

Since the client helper makes Helix API calls, you must include a form of authorization when building the client.

In particular, you can pass an app access token or user access token to withDefaultAuthToken, or specify both withClientId/withClientSecret for the library to automatically generate an app access token.

However, for FollowEvent, you will need to specify a user access token of a moderator of the target channel with the moderator:read:followers scope, due to Twitch shutting down the (more permissive) legacy follows API in September 2023.

ITwitchClient twitchClient = TwitchClientBuilder.builder()
.withDefaultAuthToken(new OAuth2Credential("twitch", "oauthtokenhere"))

Register for Stream Live/Offline/Category/Title Events

Allows ChannelGoLiveEvent, ChannelGoOfflineEvent, ChannelChangeGameEvent, ChannelChangeTitleEvent, ChannelViewerCountUpdateEvent to be fired.


Register for Follow Event

Note: ChannelFollowCountUpdateEvent will fire for any user or app access token. For FollowEvent, you must specify withDefaultAuthToken with a user access token (scope: moderator:read:followers) that represents a moderator of the target channel.


Register for Clip Events

Allows ChannelClipCreatedEvent to be fired.
