Package com.github.twitch4j.common.pool
package com.github.twitch4j.common.pool
ClassDescriptionA pool for connections to be created and destroyed.AbstractConnectionPool.AbstractConnectionPoolBuilder<C,
C2 extends AbstractConnectionPool<C>, B extends AbstractConnectionPool.AbstractConnectionPoolBuilder<C, C2, B>> SubscriptionConnectionPool<C,S, T, U> A pool of connections for making subscriptions (and potentially unsubscribing from later).SubscriptionConnectionPool.SubscriptionConnectionPoolBuilder<C,S, T, U, C2 extends SubscriptionConnectionPool<C, S, T, U>, B extends SubscriptionConnectionPool.SubscriptionConnectionPoolBuilder<C, S, T, U, C2, B>> TransactionalSubscriber<S,T, U> Generic interface for objects that can respond to a subscription request, S, with a response, T, which can later be used for unsubscription to yield U.TwitchModuleConnectionPool<C,X, Y, Z, B> Adds common configuration options for subscription-based connection pools built around instances of T4J modules.TwitchModuleConnectionPool.TwitchModuleConnectionPoolBuilder<C,X, Y, Z, B, C2 extends TwitchModuleConnectionPool<C, X, Y, Z, B>, B2 extends TwitchModuleConnectionPool.TwitchModuleConnectionPoolBuilder<C, X, Y, Z, B, C2, B2>>