Welcome and thanks for using Twitch4J!
Please check out the Installation page to install the Twitch4J dependency.
After that the Client-Builder will show you how to create a Twitch4J Instance.
Now you're ready to check out a few example projects:
Many modules can generate events which you can handle in some way, like PubSub, Chat, ...
For a list of available events / information on how to listen to events please check out: Events
API Calls
This API Client provides you 3 methods to handle / process the results of api calls.
Synchronous Execution
You can execute any api call synchronously with the execute() method, as shown in the following example:
- Java
- Kotlin
- Groovy
UserList users = twitchClient.getHelix().getUsers(null, null, Arrays.asList("twitch4j")).execute();
var userList: users = twitchClient.helix.getUsers(null, null, arrayOf("twitch4j")).execute();
UserList users = twitchClient.helix.getUsers(null, null, ["twitch4j"]).execute();
Asynchronous Execution
You can execute any api call asynchronously with the queue() method, as shown in the following example:
- Java
- Kotlin
- Groovy
Future<UserList> users = twitchClient.getHelix().getUsers(null, null, Arrays.asList("twitch4j")).queue();
var users: Future<UserList> = twitchClient.helix.getUsers(null, null, arrayOf("twitch4j")).queue()
Future<UserList> users = twitchClient.helix.getUsers(null, null, ["twitch4j"]).queue()
You can retrieve the result of the async method at any time by calling .get()
on the future, for example: users.get()
For more information on how you can work with Future
please check out this guide: https://www.baeldung.com/java-future
Reactive Execution
You can also observe the results of any api call as an Observable by using one of the following methods:
- observe() — returns a “hot” Observable that executes the command immediately, though because the Observable is filtered through a ReplaySubject you are not in danger of losing any items that it emits before you have a chance to subscribe
- toObservable() — returns a “cold” Observable that won’t execute the command and begin emitting its results until you subscribe to the Observable
- Java
- Kotlin
- Groovy
Observable<UserList> users = twitchClient.getKraken().getUsers(null, null, Arrays.asList("twitch4j")).observe();
var users: Observable<UserList> = twitchClient.kraken.getUsers(null, null, arrayOf("twitch4j")).observe()
Observable<UserList> users = twitchClient.kraken.getUsers(null, null, ["twitch4j"]).observe()
You then retrieve the value of the command by subscribing to the Observable:
- Java
- Kotlin
- Groovy
users.subscribe(data -> {
// your code to work with the result data
users.subscribe { data ->
// your code to work with the result data
users.subscribe { data ->
// your code to work with the result data